Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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15.04.2022 14:12
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A scientific seminar of the Division of Social Sciences dedicated to the current state of textbooks “History of Azerbaijan" was held

A scientific seminar of the Division of Social Sciences dedicated to the current state of textbooks “History of Azerbaijan" was held

On April 14, in the Assembly Hall of the Institute of Oriental Studies, a scientific seminar of the Division of Social Sciences of ANAS was held on the theme “History of Azerbaijan” state of textbooks: problems and ways of solution”.

Acting vice-president of ANAS, chairman of the Scientific Council of the Division of Social Sciences, academician Govhar Bakhshaliyeva, general directors, scientists of a number of scientific institutions and organizations, as well as representatives of Baku State University, Azerbaijan Pedagogical University, Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and relevant persons attended the event.

Opening the seminar, academician Govhar Bakhshaliyeva said that Azerbaijan has an ancient and rich statehood history, that our people witnessed many historical events and contributed to the development of mankind with its traditions and culture. She noted that the history of Azerbaijan was subjected to many distortions during the Soviet period, our people's history and roots were tried to be forgotten. The academician said that, despite the attempts to prevent distortions about Babek in history textbooks during the USSR, this was prevented thanks to the determination of great leader Heydar Aliyev.

According to academician Govhar Bakhshaliyeva, over the past 30 years since our country gained independence, systematic studies on the ancient and rich statehood history of Azerbaijan were carried out at ANAS, many books, monographs, articles were published. In particular, research on the resettlement of Armenians in these territories and not the aboriginal people of the Caucasus, has taken a special place, she said. She emphasized that these studies have strengthened our statehood and made a practical contribution to the development of our national identity. She also touched upon the importance of delivering these studies to future generations and noted the importance of preparing textbooks on the basis of a comprehensive and unified national concept of “History of Azerbaijan”.

Then, senior researcher of the Department of Theory of History, Source studies and historiography of the Institute of History named after Abbasgulu Agha Bakikhanov, doctor of historical sciences Vagif Abishov made a report on “History of Azerbaijan” state of textbooks: problems and ways of speech”. The scientist noted in his speech that the course “History of Azerbaijan” closely helps to strengthen the historical memory of the people, creates an idea of the historical past, identifies ethnic and linguistic roots. According to him, during the 30-year period we gained independence, writing new scientific works related to our history, including “History of Azerbaijan” textbooks is commendable.

Noting that there are different approaches to different periods of our history, especially events related to the ancient period of our history in the textbooks “History of Azerbaijan” intended for Higher School students, the scientist said that these approaches are especially on the issues of formation and formation of the Azerbaijani people and this, in turn, creates confusion for students and: “Since the 60s of the XX century, the topics about the origin of Azerbaijanis connected with this territory, Turkic ethnos directly participating in the formation and formation of the Azerbaijani people have been the subject of research since ancient times and have been expanded in recent years. The main content of this provision is the idea that since ancient times Turkic ethnic groups have settled in Azerbaijan and neighboring territories. It is impossible to get out of the “pen” of a person of the history of the period starting from the primitive community structure, which is up to the present day. Of course, one person cannot be a deep connoisseur of all periods of our history.”

V.Abishov also voiced his proposals on the above-mentioned problems and proposed to establish a commission consisting of specialists working in the Ministry of Education, relevant Institutes of ANAS, as well as higher schools and to conduct monitoring of textbooks “History of Azerbaijan” initially taught at universities. He also considered it expedient to allow the publication of “History of Azerbaijan” textbooks after a serious analysis and the consent of the special expert group.

Noting the importance of taking a serious measure by the relevant agencies to prevent arbitrariness in writing the textbook “History of Azerbaijan” and observing the established rules, the scientist touched upon the importance of not allowing the publication of textbooks “History of Azerbaijan " by everyone.

Later, extensive discussions were held around the report, questions were answered. Deputy chairman of the Scientific Council of the Division of Social Sciences, academician Nargiz Akhundova, general director of the Institute of History, professor Kerim Shukurov commented on the issue and shared their proposals. Head of the Department of the Institute of Archeology, Ethnography and Anthropology, professor Hidayat Jafarov, head of the Department of Azerbaijan History of Baku State University, PhD in history, associate professor Mehman Abdullayev, head of the Department of History of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, PhD in history, associate professor Firdovsiya Ahmadova and others. The proposals stressed the importance of creating a working group for the preparation of textbooks and preparing textbooks “History of Azerbaijan” based on a single national concept.

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