Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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06.12.2013 00:00
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The Republican Scientific and Practical Conference “Internet in Azerbaijan: yesterday, today and tomorrow”

The Republican Scientific and Practical Conference “Internet in Azerbaijan: yesterday, today and tomorrow”

December 6, 2013 Institute of Information Technologies of ANAS hosted the republican scientific and practical conference “Internet in Azerbaijan: yesterday, today and tomorrow” within the frame of XIX Azerbaijan International Exhibition and Conference “Telecommunications and Information Technology» (Bakutel-2013).

December 6, 2013 at the Institute of Information Technology ( IIT) of ANAS the republican scientific-practical conference on " Internet in Azerbaijan : yesterday, today and tomorrow" was held.

The event held under the XIX Azerbaijan International Telecommunications and Information Technologies «BakuTel- 2013 ", organized by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology ( MCIT ) and the Institute of Information Technologies of ANAS.

Opened the conference with keynote President of ANAS, academician Akif Alizadeh congratulated the workers of communication and information technologies with their professional holiday and wished them success in their activities.

Informing that the event is part of "BakuTel- 2013" Alizadeh noted the latest achievements in the field of information and communication technologies in Azerbaijan.

The scientist noted that ANAS is directly involved in a number of important works carried out in our country in the framework of the "Year of ICT ", stressed that the conference dedicated to the formation , stages of development , current situation and prospects of the Internet in Azerbaijan is one of the activities of great importance for ending the "Year of the information and communication technologies."

Noting that the country has successfully implemented processes the information society, e-government construction , ANAS President stressed that due to this progress rapidly developing Internet is rapidly increasing number of users. "At present, Azerbaijan is in the forefront of countries in terms of development of the Internet and the ICT sector as a whole. Achievements of our country and confirm recent reports of various international organizations. All this is indicative of rapid socio - economic progress and development of the infrastructure of the Internet , freedom of the Internet at a high level in our country " , - said A. Alizadeh .

Academician brought to attention that in the Concept of "Azerbaijan 2020 : vision for the future " as one of the priorities of the state policy affected the sustainable development of the Internet infrastructure and the creation of the information society at a high level . Azerbaijan intensively and effectively with relevant international organizations and countries of the world in the areas of strengthening the security of the information society, more effective fight against cybercrime in the national and international scale, reliable operation of e-commerce , providing a high level of human rights in cyberspace.

At the end of performances Alizadeh said that, the conference is important for promoting scientific achievements of scientists and experts in the field, sharing knowledge and experience, expression and comments.

Minister of Communications and Information Technologies academicianAli Abbasov  spoke on "The Internet and Public Policy." Abbasov brought to attention that the announcement by President Ilham Aliyev, in 2013 the "Year of ICT " in our country is an indicator of high progress in this area in recent years. The Minister noted that the main objectives of public policy are to enhance ICT services ICT market formation and development of information and knowledge . He spoke about the importance of government programs and projects adopted for the development of the ICT sector , and especially in the field of high-speed and increasing broadband Internet in the country.

Stressing the importance of the qualitative and quantitative improve services "Electronic Government" in a more transparent and simplified management of the company , Abbasov noted the importance of establishing the State Agency for eGovernment at MCIT. The Minister noted that the agency is a strategic framework to accelerate the organization of electronic services, improve governance in the sector, strengthening of state control and efficiency of the work. Abbasov said that in 2020, the aerospace industry , the development of land-based and wireless communication systems, cybercrime achieved a high level. He noted that to achieve the objectives of the Concept Development "Azerbaijan 2020 : vision for the future " on ICT specialists assigned new and important tasks .

Director of IIT, corresponding member of ANAS Rasim Aliguliyev spoke on "Stages of formation and prospects of development of the Internet in Azerbaijan." R.Aliguliev noted that the 44 -year-old way of the Internet was accompanied by numerous obstacles, political and ideological confrontation, the pressures emanating from the fear of loss of mental values. Despite all this Internet got span in the world, deepening impact on various sectors of activity , becomes an integral part of the lifestyle of the people ," - he said.

Director of the Institute noted that the creation of high-tech products and services, technological advances are important factors that characterize the country's further development . Decision today topical scientific issues of the Internet poses are  essential task of sscientists and specialists.

Reporting that the institute investigates the prospects of development of the Internet , the professor said the study of such new areas as " Subject Internet", " Space Internet", " Health Internet", " Biometric Internet ." He noted the success of public policy in this area, brought to attention that in recent reports by various influential rating agencies reflects the achievements of our country. The scientist noted that the use of innovative ideas in the field of advanced information technology, software engineering in the near future will create significant changes in society.

Chairman of the Press Council of Azerbaijan Aflatun Amashov spoke about the possibilities of the Internet to ensure the rights and freedoms of citizens.

The conference presentations by leading experts and scholars in the field of information technology , held discussions and exchange of views on the history of the Internet, the dynamics of development opportunities to ensure the rights and freedoms of citizens in our country , the problems of social media, the joint efforts of society, the state - business citizen , impact of the Internet and information technology on the development of law and education problems in Azerbaijan.

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