Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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25.05.2015 08:40
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“Rose” exhibition at ANAS Central Botanical Garden

“Rose” exhibition at ANAS Central Botanical Garden

Today, opening ceremony of “Rose” exhibition at ANAS Central Botanical Garden took place.

Ceremony was attended by ANAS Presidium, delegates of republican and various international organizations.

The exhibition aimed at promoting Azerbaijan Botany science, demonstrating obtained achievements in this area, instilling feelings of love and care to the youth, as well as acquainting rose fans with new types of rose.

Opening the event director of the Institute of Botany, corresponding member of ANAS Valida Alizadeh noted that, over 35 years, institute carries out introduction, hybridizing and selection of roses from various countries with domestic sorts. As a result of carried out researches, rose garden compiles almost 1000 sort and type of roses. Central Botanical Garden has perennial and rich experience of rose study, she added.

Curator of the exhibition is chief of Floriculture lab of Central Botanical Garden, PhD in Biology Asef Isgenderov.

Later on, ANAS president, acad. Akif Alizadeh reported and stated that, as a result of new researches, structure of variety of roses are being renewed over selections and new species is achieved. Notifying Central Botanical Garden as one of the nook of huge rose collections in South Caucasus, he stressed out the necessity of such type of exhibitions.

In addition, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Azerbaijan Takahashi Tsuguo reported in the event. He was pleased to participate at the exhibition and highly appreciated achievements of this field.

Then, curator of the exhibition, chief of Floriculture lab of Central Botanical Garden, PhD in Biology Asef Isgenderov made speech on his researches in this field since 2006. He highlighted the significance of demonstrating new sorts of roses grown by Selection method in the regional and international flower exhibitions.

Note that, 900 m2 allocated area of Botanical Garden demonstrated more than 350 rose exposition met with international standards.

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