Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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08.06.2015 03:21
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Delegation of “Nature Publishing Group” visited Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

Delegation of “Nature Publishing Group” visited Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

ANAS president, acad. Akif Alizadeh met with John Giuliani, chief of “Nature Publishing Group” (NPG) for Middle East Countries and Elizabeth Detisova, sales representative of the organization. Academician provided information about history, activity directions and achievements of the academy to the guests.

Making speech on future cooperation outlooks, academician A. Alizadeh noted the significance of the editions which are produced by NPG and covered latest scientific achievements for our scientists.

Guests thanked for a cordial meeting, informed on the history, state-of-the-art activity of NPG. Noted that, company founded in 1869, produces “Nature”, “Scientific American” and other world’s top-rated journals. Just only, web-page of the “Nature” journal is visited by 6 million users per month. J. Giuliani and E. Detisova spoke about key products of the company, their content and essence.

Later on, the issue of strengthening links was discussed in the meeting.

Delegation invited ANAS president to the Great Britain in October of current year.

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