Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


22.08.2022 10:14
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Acquaintance with archaeological excavations carried out in the territory of Jalilabad region

Acquaintance with archaeological excavations carried out in the territory of Jalilabad region

General director of the Institute of Archeology, Ethnography and Anthropology of ANAS, doctor of historical sciences, professor Abbas Seyidov got acquainted with the archaeological excavations carried out at the “Pasha Tepe” monument of the Neolithic-Chalcolithic periods in Jafarkhanli village with the participation of representatives of related organizations of Jalilabad region.

The material and cultural samples discovered during the research conducted under the leadership of archaeologist Vafa Mahmudova give reason to give new scientific ideas about the history of the region.

The head of Jalilabad District Executive Authority Rafig Jalilov got acquainted with the excavations carried out at the monument on the spot and stressed that such facilities will make a significant contribution to the development of tourism in the future.

After reviewing the monument, the findings and giving appropriate instructions to the archaeologists, the general director met with Rafig Jalilov, head of the Jalilabad District Executive Authority, to exchange views on the history of the region. The possibilities of historical places for tourism, preparation of a special book on it and other issues on the topic were discussed at the meeting.

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