Azerbaijan people poet, literary critic and social figure acad. Bakhtiyar Vahabzadeh’s 90th anniversary was held in Sheki on June 10.
Event co-organized by Sheki city Executive Power, ANAS Sheki Regional Scientific Center (SRSC) and Azerbaijan Teachers’ Institute (ATI) Sheki Branch.
Opening the event Gulara Abdullayeva, deputy director for educational affairs of ATI Sheki Branch, made speech on life way and rich creativity of Bakhtiyar Vahabzadeh.
Then director of the aforementioned institute, Dr. Mathematics senior lecturer Rafig Rasulov stated that, relevant order of Mr. President on celebration Bakhtiyar Vahabzadeh’s 90th anniversary is an expression of people’s love.
Later on, director of SRSC, PhD in physics-math, senior lecturer Yusif Shukurlu highlighted V. Vahabzadeh as a close promoter and protector of mother tongue and brought to mind his merits. Poet’s creativity has played great role in raising patriotic spirit in national poetry and enriching social-literary thought with ideas of independence, he noted.
In the event following lectures were attended: head teacher of ATI Sheki Branch Vagif Aslan on “Leading figure of national-artistic cognition - Bakhtiyar Vahabzadeh”, chief chair of the same institute, leading researcher of SRSC, Dr. Pedagogy Firedun Ibrahimov on “Secrets and sources of Bakhtiyar Vahabzadeh’s creativity”, chief chair of the institute, leading researcher of SRSC, senior lecturer Ulduz Murshudova on “Bakhtiyar Vahabzadeh creativity and folklore”, head teacher of Sheki branch, researcher of SRSC Kamil Adishirinov on “Bakhtiyar Vahabzadeh’s place and role in Azerbaijan literature” etc.
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