On December 4, 2013 the next seminar was held in the Special Section II Central Department of the Presidium of ANAS.The event, which was attended by heads of Civil Defense (CD) research institutions and organizations of ANAS was opened by Head of the Special Department Eldar Guliyev, who gave information about the issues on the agenda.
Then chiefs of CD gave detailed information on trainings on the civil defense, provided in November in scientific institutions and the organizations.It was noted that on the basis of the Plan of measures for 2013 the Administrative board of CD provided trainings on a subject “The Organization of Management of Bodies and CD Formations at Elimination of Consequences of Emergency Situations”.Documents and the prearranged signals necessary for carrying out trainings were prepared.Documents and the prearranged signals necessary for carrying out trainings were prepared.The aim of the training is the development of staff commander of the Governing Commission emergency headquarters and non-military formations CD “Law on Civil Defense” AR requirements and decision of the Cabinet of the Republic of Azerbaijan on September 25th of 1998.On the event discussed the current state of employment on defense and issues of preparation of annual reports.
Then leading specialist of the II Special Department Alimardan Magamedov gave recommendations for the compilation chiefs headquarters annual Action Plans on CD for 2014.At the event E.Guliyev reported about two leaders of institutions that have passed this year practical course of GO, and noted that next year this training must pass five heads of institutions.
In conclusion of the event were the current issues.
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