ANAS Department of Agrarian Sciences held meeting with Turkey’ Samsun Ondokuz Mayis University (OMU) Department of Soil Elm – Ridvan Kizilkaya, Tayfun Ashkin and Joshgun Gulser.
In advance, guests got acquainted with activity of the department. The meeting was focused on discussion of the "Eurasian Federation of Soil Science Societies", which will be chaired by Azerbaijan for three-year period starting in 2018, and other key issues.
The guests highly appreciated the activities of the department and expressed sure for even greater successes of the federation which will be chaired by academician-secretary of the aforementioned department, Acad. Garib Mammadov since 2018.
Once were discussed activities of the Institute of Soil Elm and Agrochemistry, ongoing research works, joint scientific relations and so on.
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