Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


11.07.2015 08:29
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Scientists of the Institute of Soil Elm and Agrochemistry held workshop for farmers in Ujar region

Scientists of the Institute of Soil Elm and Agrochemistry held workshop for farmers in Ujar region

Institute of Soil Elm and Agrochemistry of ANAS continue its academic-production works related to declaration of 2015 as “The year of agriculture” and reforms carried out in science.

Recently, scientists of the institute got familiar with research and organizing works carried out in Ujar stronghold, held scientific-practical workshop for farmers.

In the workshop, director of the aforementioned institute Professor Alovsat Guliyev and other scientists delivered lecture on following topics: “Science-based management of the agrarian sector in Azerbaijan”, “Intensive utilization of the soil and ameliorative measures”, “Chemicalization of Agriculture: opportunities and outlooks"," Modern agricultural technology and environmental problems in agriculture".

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