Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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09.12.2013 00:00
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ASPU hosted an event dedicated to acad. Feyzulla Gasimzadeh’s 115th jubilee

ASPU hosted an event dedicated to acad. Feyzulla Gasimzadeh’s 115th jubilee

December 6, 2013 Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University (ASPU) hosted an event dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the outstanding scientist and teacher, Honored Scientist, academician Feyzulla Gasimzadeh.

The event, which was attended by faculty and students ASPU and intelligentsia of the country, was opened by pro-rector of the University for scientific affairs, prof.Vilayat Aliyev, who gave detailed information about the life and scientific work of a prominent scientist. It was noted that Feyzulla Gasimzadeh was a graduate of ASPU, a scientist at the university served as head of the chair.

Then a lecture on “Life and career Feyzulla Gasimzadeh” made head of the department of Azerbaijani literature prof. Himalay Gasimov, who spoke about the merits of academician in promoting the history of Azerbaijani literature, in particular the history of Azerbaijani literature of the XIX century.

Then, a film “In Search of Time”, dedicated to the life and work of the scientist.

In the event also reported chairman of the Committee on Culture of the Milli Mejlis corresponding member of ANAS Nizami Jafarov, acad. Vasim Mammadaliyev, chairman of the Azerbaijan Education Board prof. Azhdar Agayev, poet Ilyas Tapdig and dean of the Faculty of Philology ASPU prof. Buludhan Khalilov, who talked about life, research and teaching activities of the scientist, his achievements in this field and shared their memories of him.

In conclusion, the daughter Nigar Gasimzadeh, docent of World Literature chair of ASPU, expressed gratitude to the organizers and participants for their attention and respect for the memory of his father.

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