Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


23.07.2015 12:06
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Half year reports of the institutes of ANAS Department of Social Sciences listened

Half year reports of the institutes of ANAS Department of Social Sciences listened

Next bureau meeting of ANAS Department of Social Sciences (DSS) was held at Presidium of ANAS on July 23.

Opening the meeting with participation of bureau members, acting academician-secretary of the department, corresponding member of ANAS Nargis Akhundova stated that, half year reports of the institutes for 2015 will be listened.

Addressing the meeting, heads of scientific ventures brought to mind scientific-organizational works carried out over six months in the institutions and held events, informed about technical-material base of the institutes, obtained scientific results etc. Research works which held at the scientific ventures of DSS directed to independence of Azerbaijan, social-economic and intellectual development, social-political stability, protection of national safety and integration of the country to the international world.

Note that, DSS is the largest structural department of ANAS. Currently, 9 research ventures and a museum operate attached to it. Department supervises for 4 Problem Councils of the Republican Council on Research Organization and Coordination.

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