Next bureau meeting of the Department of Social Sciences was held at the Presidium of ANAS on September 28.
Opening the meeting with participation of bureau members, acting Academician-secretary of DSS, corresponding member of ANAS Nargis Akhundova informed about the issues on the agenda.
Later on, was listened a lecture on topic “On the result of France-Azerbaijan international archaeological expedition” by Professor of French National Studies Center Bertill Liyonet and chief department at ANAS Institute of Archeology and Ethnography PhD in history Farhad Guliyev. Lecture reported on the studies that had carried out by archaeologists of Azerbaijan and France in Menteshtepe archaeological monument in Tovuz region since 2008. It was noted that as a result of excavations was revealed the existence of a long historical stage in Menteshtepe ancient settlement which dated back from Neolithic period to the early Bronze Age. Based on radiocarbon analysis of 14, initial period of residence of the ancient settlement dates back to the Neolithic period. Cultural layer of Neolithic era is distinguished by the circular-shaped architecture patterns in the mud-brick.
The most important finding which dates back to Neolithic era was a burial dwell composed of over 30 human skeletons, said reporters.
It was noted that, the third stage of ancient settlement embrace two millennium. Archaeological materials, painted ceramics of straw contain and rectangular constructions of this cultural layer prove that, this ancient settlement had close ties with Mesopotamia in the end of V century BC. Also, were found 62 pieces of metal, showing highly development of metallurgy at those times.
Fourth stage of the ancient residence, which lasted nearly a thousand years belong to the Early Bronze Age. Top layer of the ancient residence is characterized by numerous graves.
Academician Naila Valikhanli, corresponding members of ANAS – Yagub Mahmudov, Ilyas Babayev, Shahin Mustafayev, Dr. History Maisa Rahimova and others reported with questions on the lecture, and gave suggestions and recommendations.
Event discussed the issues of execution of the Order of ANAS President Academician Akif Alizadeh “On the admission to doctoral studies and conducting doctoral exams based on testing technologies” dated June 9, 2015, in the scientific-research institutions of the department, making changes in research plan of National Museum of Azerbaijan History etc.
Then, some staff problems were scheduled.
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