Next bureau meeting of the Department of Biological and Medical Sciences (DBMS) of ANAS was held at the Presidium on October 5. In advance, Academician-secretary of the department, Academician Ahliman Amiraslanov informed on the issues of agenda and brought to mind that the key topic of the meeting was devoted to discussion of test types conducting for doctoral admission and doctoral exams.
Acad. A. Amiraslanov provided information on the execution of President of ANAS, Academician Akif Alizadeh’s order “On conducting doctoral admission and doctoral exams based on testing technologies in ANAS” on June 9, 2015, in the research institutions of the Department of Biological and Medical Sciences. Application of testing technologies is the right choice in terms of proper gauging the knowledge of researchers who wants to enter to doctoral studies in ANAS. The need for oral exams over biological and medical specialties is necessary, he noted.
Later on, institute directors submitted test types conducted over various specialties. Institute of Botany informed on the test types over specialties of “Botany”, “Biochemistry”, “Biophysics”, “Molecular biology” and “Plant physiology”; Institute of Zoology over specialties of “Entomology”, “Parasitology”, Institute of Physiology over specialties of “Physiology”, “Bio chemistry”, Institute of Microbiology over specialties of “Microbiology”, “Mycology”, “Biotechnology and Institute of Dendrology over specialty of “Botany”.
In the event were also scheduled 80th anniversary of the Institute of Botany, corresponding member of ANAS Telman Aghayev’s 80th anniversary etc.
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