Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


14.10.2015 09:34
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Exhibition on "The role of promotion of the cultural heritage of Azerbaijan in strengthening intercultural dialogue"

Exhibition on "The role of promotion of the cultural heritage of Azerbaijan in strengthening intercultural dialogue"

The Central Scientific Library (CSL) of ANAS hosted the exhibition on the theme "The role of promotion of the cultural heritage of Azerbaijan in strengthening intercultural dialogue” by joint organization of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi and our country's diplomatic mission in Hungary and Poland, October 13.

With the support of the above embassies at the exhibition were demonstrated books dedicated to the cultural heritage of Azerbaijan and published in Europe.

Opening the event and greeting the participants, President of ANAS, Academician Akif Alizadeh stressed the importance of the exhibition in terms of promoting cultural heritage. Adding that Azerbaijan builds strong friendships and cooperates with Muslim and with Western countries, the head of ANAS noted that the country is famous worldwide for its tolerance and multiculturalism. Along with its national and cultural values, Azerbaijan is known as a space of intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding in the world.

The next speaker was Academician-secretary of the Department of Humanitarian Sciences, Academician Teymur Kerimli. He noted that demonstrated books at the exhibition are another example of the policy of Azerbaijan pursued in promotion of the cultural heritage of the republic in the world.

In the era of supremacy of double standards in the world, and information warfare, these books reflect the ancient history, science, art and rich culture of Azerbaijan, create an opportunity for European society more complete information about the country.

In his speech, Azerbaijani Ambassador to Hungary Vilayat Guliyev spoke about the history of social, political and cultural relations between Azerbaijan and Hungary, on the existing friendly relations between the two countries. Adding his working for a long time in an Academy before his arrival in the sphere of foreign policy, Vilayat Guliyev emphasized the role of scientists of ANAS in his formation as a literary critic.

The ambassador also spoke about the work of his predecessors in the field of promotion of the cultural heritage of Azerbaijan. Adding about eight forums on intercultural dialogue up to date, the diplomat stressed that the ancient and rich culture of Azerbaijan withdrew from the national framework and become a part of world culture.

Then, in the event were Azerbaijani Ambassador to Poland Hasan Hasanov. He pointed out that the promotion of the ancient history of Azerbaijan is one of the major challenges facing the diplomats. Today, the historical truth about Azerbaijan must reach exactly to the European public through the publication of books and other printed products.

The ambassador added that the purpose of propaganda of ancient history and culture of Azerbaijan were established contacts with educational, scientific and cultural institutions in Poland. Cooperation in this area is expanding.

In the course of the event were Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Hungary to Azerbaijan Imre Laslotski, and Counselor of Ambassador of the Republic of Poland in Azerbaijan Angers Jankowski.

In closing, director of the Central Scientific Library, PhD in Medicine Leyla Imanova thanked all the organizers of the exhibition. Noting that the electronic versions of the demonstrated books at the exhibition and donated books to CSL will be included in the "National digital memory", L.Imanova stressed the importance of these publications in various languages in terms of enriching the linguistic diversity of the library fund.

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