Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


28.10.2015 16:58
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Meeting with Secretary General of the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic-speaking countries at the Presidium of ANAS

Meeting with Secretary General of the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic-speaking countries at the Presidium of ANAS

Today, Presidium of ANAS held meeting with Jandos Asanov, Secretary General of the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic-speaking countries. Meeting aimed to develop Azerbaijan –Kazakh, Kazakh-Azerbaijan dictionaries and to discuss collaboration prospects among Turkic-speaking countries.

In advance, President of ANAS Acad. Akif Alizadeh greeted the guest and informed about 70th anniversary of ANAS which will take place on November 10. Academy has played exceptional role in development of science, economy and culture of Azerbaijan during these years. Being established in 1945, this scientific temple has passed several historical stages and scientists and researchers operating here have contributed to world science with their academic investigations, stated academician.

A.Alizadeh noted that, developing wide profiled Turkic-speaking terminological dictionary is advisable and ANAS will assist for implementing this initiative.

Later on, Jandos Asanov said that, he was deployed to Azerbaijan for 4 years, and has already operated in the country for 2 years. He highlighted the importance of developing Azerbaijan–Kazakh, Kazakh-Azerbaijan dictionaries and expressed his willingness for collaboration via ANAS in this regard.

J. Asanov stressed a need for time in order to develop a dictionary. He suggested the implementation of joint projects not only in developing dictionary, but also in environment, economy and in other areas.

Then, Vice-President of ANAS Acad. Isa Habibbayli made speech on varied ties of ANAS via Academies of Turkic World. Works written on the literary relations of Azerbaijan-Kazakh in ANAS, numerous researches carried out on the Turkic peoples, signed agreements between Academy and Turkic states have been appraised as a result of cooperation. According to Isa Habibbayli, Turkic Academy prepares for publication literature of Turkic peoples in 100 volumes supported by President of the Republic of Kazakstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, and 10 volumes of it refer to Azerbaijan literature.

Meeting also discussed issue of joint study the Turkic languages. With this goal creating Working group, including developing joint dictionary together with specialists from Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan were decided.

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