Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


04.11.2015 16:20
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Studies on "Problems of water resources in Azerbaijan: scientific and methodological bases of the integration management" held

Studies on "Problems of water resources in Azerbaijan: scientific and methodological bases of the integration management" held

At the meeting of ANAS Presidium, Deputy Director for Scientific affairs of the Institute of Scientific Research and Project "Sukanal" JSC "Azersu", Dr. Geology-Mineralogy Adishirin Alakbarov delivered a scientific paper.

Presenting studies carried out on "Problems of water resources in Azerbaijan: scientific and methodical bases of the integration management" he told about studies performed in the sphere of determination of regularities of water resources occurrence of the country in recent years, resource assessment and sustainable management, safety of water resources.

According to the lecturer, the main problem of water resources in the territory of Azerbaijan is the uneven distribution of water suitable for use with limited resources. The latest studies in some cases indicated characterization of the different indicators applied in the assessment of water basins resources, existence of discrepancy in evaluation methods and approaches.

A.Alakbarov noted that, since the 90s of the XX century based on the Convention and directives of documents of international water organizations convey the principle of equitable and environmentally friendly use of water resources.

The international organizations and scientific centers, the majority of the countries of the world believe in possibility of realization of this principle as a result of the integration water resources management (IWRM).

Protection of water resources, solving problems and achieving IWRM are of great importance for Azerbaijan, most of territory of which are located in the basin of Kura and Araz Transboundary Rivers.

For this purpose the scientist emphasized importance of underground and land water objects of the country, drawing up inventories of cross-border waters, the existing information of the estimated resources and systematization of analyzed methods of an assessment.

The speaker stressed that the issues concerning IWRM also include the preparation of new laws and regulations, to analyze the implementation of national legislation with international law and the preparation of proposals.

Taking into account the above-mentioned problems, Presidium of ANAS adopted a number of solutions. Institute of Geography, Geology and Geophysics were charged to develop conceptual models of water resources, preparation and execution of assessment of programs of scientific researches in connection with water supply jointly with the relevant organizations.

To Institute of Geography, Geology and Geophysics, was entrusted jointly with relevant organizations to develop conceptual models of water resources, as well as to prepare and execute the scientific and practical programs in connection with the assessment of power sources of resources.

Also, Azerbaijan State Medical University and National Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology were recommended to broaden scientific and practical research in the direction of determining the effect of water with different composition over human body.

At the meeting also was decided to make structural changes to the Institute of Linguistics and the creation of the Departments of International Relations and Optimal management to the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics.

In conclusion, were considered a number of personnel issues.

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