Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


05.11.2015 09:47
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ANAS organized interactive discussions for the first time

ANAS organized interactive discussions for the first time

Within the framework of the International Multidisciplinary Forum for young researchers "Academic Science Week - 2015" dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Council of Young Scientists and Specialists reached the first goal.

The main goal of these discussions, which were held for the first time, is to bring together the scientific research and educational institutions of the republic, relevant ministries, foundations providing support to science development, subjects of business, mass media and to discuss the existing problems and find solutions.

In discussions on relevant topics such as "Academic standards: What is an achievement?", "The role of existing funds in the development of science", "Innovative ideas and perspectives", was attended prominent representatives of science and the public of the country as experts.

Interactive discussions touched on very relevant topics, according to the chosen themes were invited well-known experts.

In discussions on the theme "Academic standards: What is an achievement?" under moderating of Director of ANAS Institute of Chemistry and Additives, Academician Vagif Farzaliyev, Chancellor of Baku State University, Academician Abel Maharramov, Chancellor of Azerbaijan State Economic University, Doctor of Economics, Adalat Muradov, acting Academician-Secretary of the Department of Social Sciences, corresponding member of ANAS Nargiz Akhundova stressed the desirability of organizing interactive discussions on the first day of the Forum.

It was noted that for the discussions primarily were selected the priority topics which are in the interest of the youth of academy. According to them, sometimes the domestic youth pursuing science has fine ideas. But for realization of these ideas there is a need for the guide or certain conditions.

In the interactive discussion on "The role of existing funds in scientific research" differed with high activity of the young audience ……..

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