Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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13.11.2015 16:20
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Employees of the Department of Humanities awarded the honorary diplomas

Employees of the Department of Humanities awarded the honorary diplomas

ANAS Presidium held a regular meeting of the Department of Humanitarian Sciences (DHS) on November 13.

Opening the event, Academic Secretary of the Department, Academician Teymur Karimli noted that, the 70th anniversary of ANAS was solemnly celebrated and on this occasion congratulated the staff of DHS.

Then Vice-president of ANAS, Academician Isa Habibbeyli noted that, the President Ilham Aliyev who believes in the development of science as one of the main factors ensuring the safe future of the people, defined the strategic objectives and priorities of development of science in his speech at the solemn meeting on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of ANAS, November 9, 2015.

Vice-president of ANAS stressed that, humanitarian sphere puts such important tasks as the multiculturalism, Azerbaijan language, historical geography, writing the history of Azerbaijan in the period of independence before us. I.Habibbeyli highly appreciated the visits of the President to the Academy and his programmatic speech before scientists, noted that the current activities will be directly accelerated, based on instructions and recommendations of President Ilham Aliyev.

Further, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of ANAS a group of employees of research institutions of the department were awarded the Diploma of the DHS for the scientific and social activities.

At a meeting was delivered a report "Conceptual bases of mugam study" by the Head of Department of mugam study of the Institute of Architecture and Art, Doctor of art study Sevil Farhadova.

During the event, the sides discussed issues concerning the plan of scientific and technical activities of international and republican level, which will be carried out in research institutions of DHS in 2016 according to the orders of the President of ANAS dated on October 21, 2015, as well as the determination of the nominee of “Presidential Awards for Youth“and other issues.

In conclusion, were considered a number of personnel issues.

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