Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


28.11.2015 13:52
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Last farewell with notable academician

Last farewell with notable academician

On November 28, main building of ANAS hosted for funeral ceremony of one of the luminaries of contemporary Azerbaijan philology, Honored Scientist with “Shohrat” order, chief of “Turkology” chair of Baku State University, director of the Institute of Linguistics – Academician Tofig Hajiyev.

Event was attended by governmental officials, MPs of Milli Majlis, scientific dignity and public figures.

Wreathes were put in front of deceased’s funeral on behalf of governmental organizations and different staffs.

Academician Tofig Hajiyev’s colleagues, friends, acquaintances, well-known scientists came to the main building due to bid farewell to this kind person.

Funeral meeting was opened by Vice-President of ANAS, Acad. Isa Habibbayli who spoke about merits of notable turkologist, and indefatigable promoter of Azerbaijan culture, language and literature Tofig Hajiyev.

Stated that, notable scientist has devoted all his meaningful life to development of linguistics, contributed to science and education in the republic for many years. His rich scientific legacy will always serve to national science and deliver from generation to generation.

Academician Vasim Mammadaliyev, People Writer Anar, corresponding member of ANAS Nizami Jafarov, chief department of Bilkent University of Turkey for regional programs Rasim Ozurek made speech on academician’s scientific legacy and gave deepest condolences to the deceased’s family.

Speaking on behalf of family deceased’s son Azer Hajiyev expressed his gratitude to head of state and directory of ANAS for care and respect.

Kind and generous man, a talented scientist, dignified personality Tofig Hajiyev will always live in memories of those who knew him.

Allah rehmet etsin!

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