Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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02.12.2015 16:14
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"21 Azer" scientific conference held

"21 Azer" scientific conference held

Scientific conference on "21 Azer-70" was held by the organization of the Institute of Oriental Studies dedicated to the history of national - democratic movement of South Azerbaijanis and Iranian peoples in 1941-1946 on December 2.

Director of the Institute of ANAS Oriental Studies named after Academician Ziya Bunyadov, corresponding member of ANAS, Professor Govhar Bakhshaliyeva, opening the meeting noted that the movement 21 Azer, based on National-democratic roots in the Middle East, had become one of the progressive movements of the century and opened glorious page in the history of the Azerbaijani people.

Govhar Bakhshaliyeva, stressing that the movement 21 Azer is one of the most important pages of the history of Azerbaijan, noted that this issue is still one of topics of study: "Thus, Azerbaijan National Government, which was result of movements 21 Azer was a model of independent modern state created in the history of Azerbaijan". Azerbaijan National Government started its activities in Iran, as the government, recognizing the right of national autonomy of Azerbaijanis subsequently taken serious steps in the direction of the policy on the path of independent statehood.

Further, Academician-secretary of the Department of Social Sciences of ANAS, corresponding member of ANAS Nargiz Akhundova noted that, the movement 21 Azer occupies an important place in the history of the Azerbaijani people and praised the study of the topic at the Institute of Oriental Studies.

Then leading researcher of the department of South Azerbaijan, Institute of Oriental Studies of ANAS, PhD in Economics Akram Rahimli delivered a paper on "21-Azer is the top of the national movements of Southern Azerbaijan of XX century".

Rahimli noted that, the movement 21 Azer, which the 70th anniversary is celebrated, arose on a national basis and evaluated as a broader, comprehensive and vigorous continuation of the popular movements of the early XX century.

Then, were delivered papers by chief research assistant of Department of history and economy of Iran of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Ph.D. in history Solmaz Rustamova-Tohidi on "The primary historical and political conditions of movements 21 Azer", Head of the Department of history and economy of Iran of the Institute of Oriental Studies, PhD in History Vidadi Mustafayev on "Some notes on the economic and socio-political situation in Southern Azerbaijan on the eve of the national democratic movement in 1941-1946",Head of Department of South Azerbaijan of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Ph.D. in history Samad Bayramzadeh on "Some thoughts on the emergence and activity of the Azerbaijan Democratic Party" and leading researcher of the Department of South Azerbaijan of ANAS Institute of Literature named after N. Ganjavi, Ph.D. in philology Islam Garibli on "Reflection of 21 Azar movements in the Iranian and Azerbaijani literature".

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