Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


09.12.2015 15:33
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ANAS expands its participation in Sumgayit Chemical Industrial Park and Industrial Union "Azerkimya"

ANAS expands its participation in Sumgayit Chemical Industrial Park and Industrial Union "Azerkimya"

At the event was listened the report of Academician-secretary of ANAS Department of Chemical Sciences, Academician Dilgam Tagiyev on "Prospects for enhancing the participation of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences to the activity of JSC "Sumgait Chemical Industrial Park" and Industrial Union" Azerkimya". Reminding the thoughts, sounded by President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev at the General meeting devoted to 70th anniversary of ANAS, Academician Dilgam Tagiyev emphasized that, priority and one of the important problems of chemical science in Azerbaijan is increasing the participation of chemists in the development of non-oil sector and activity of JSC "Sumgait chemical industrial park".

He noted that, the urgency of this problem is determined by the fact that, it will serve as a form of technology parks and industrial parks, which are considered the driving force of the world economy based on knowledge and innovation, turning them into commercial products and improve the efficiency of funds allocated for science.

Noted that, the JSC "Sumgait Chemical Industrial Park" was established by order of President Ilham Aliyev dated December 21, 2011, Academician Dilgam Tagiyev said that, industrial park has played a leading role in the development of non-oil sector in Azerbaijan, in creation and modeling of the chemical industry of the republic. He added that, as part of the industrial park will be functioning 40-45 institutions in future.

Further, Chairman of Supervisory Council on "Azerkimya" of SOCAR Mukhtar Babayev and assistant chairman Emin Ismayilov, chief engineer of Industrial Union "Azerkimya" Firudin Mustafayev, Deputy Director of "Sumgait Chemical Industrial Park" Zaur Mammadov, Director of the Institute of Petrochemical Processes, Academician Vagif Abbasov and others reported at the meeting.

Further, discussions were held.

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