Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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29.04.2024 15:50
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Scientific conference themed “Muhammad Fuzuli and Sultan Baho: bilateral relations in Azerbaijan and Pakistan Literature” was held

Scientific conference themed “Muhammad Fuzuli and Sultan Baho: bilateral relations in Azerbaijan and Pakistan Literature” was held

A scientific conference on “Muhammad Fuzuli and Sultan Baho: bilateral relations in Azerbaijan and Pakistan Literature” was held in the Institute of Literature of ANAS after Nizami Ganjavi on April 29.

The conference was opened by the president of ANAS, director of the Institute of Literature, academician Isa Habibbayli. The academician spoke about the friendship relations between Azerbaijan and Pakistan and history of the scientific relations. The president of ANAS underlined that the life and path of the Azerbaijani classic authors are deeply studied in Pakistan today and lots of works are done in this direction. Dr. Safeer Hyder, department of Urdu, Government College University, Lahore, researcher of Nizami Ganjavi heritage is working on a book on Nizami Ganjavi and his visit to Azerbaijan.

“Nizami Ganjavi has been known as a Persian poet till the middle of 20th century in European and Eastern counties. It is gratifying to emphasize that recently Nizami Ganjavi has been recognized as an Azerbaijani poet in Pakistan and European countries” - said president of ANAS.

Academician Isa Habibbeyli reminded the order of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev on “Celebration of the 530th anniversary of the birth of the great Azerbaijani poet and thinker Muhammad Fuzuli” and mentioned that various events are organized in ANAS with participation of the representatives from different countries.

Isa Habibbeyli, the academician emphasized his assuredness that the current conference will make a contribution for further development and strengthening of the bilateral relations in the scientific and literary sphere.

Sahibzadeh Sultan Ahmed Ali, the Pakistani scientists, chairman of the Muslim Institute made a report on "the works of Muhammad Fuzuli and Sultan Baho in the context of Azerbaijan-Pakistan literary relations”, and spoke about the history and development of the bilateral relations.

Safeer Hyder, Dr in department of Urdu, Government College University reported on “Reflection of the human personality in Sultan Baho's mystical symphony”, Badirkhan Ahmadli, the head of Azerbaijan-Asian literary relations department of the Institute of Literature, Doctor of Philological Sciences widely reported on “Azerbaijan-Pakistan literary relations from the past to the present day”. Professor of Vrije Universiteit Brussel Philippe Humblé aslo made speech and spoke about both Eastern thinkers. Eynulla Madatli, deputy director of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of ANAS gave a report on “A view of Azerbaijan-Pakistan political and cultural relations in the Middle Ages”, Zakulla Bayramli, PhD in philology reported on “Muhammad Fuzuli and the Turkic World”, Eldost Ibrahimov, Lecturer at Oriental Studies of Baku State University reported on “Educational ideas in the path of Hazrat Sultan Baho”.

Translator: Reyhan Majidli, department of information of administration of the Presidium of ANAS

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