Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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30.04.2024 19:00
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Scientific session devoted to the 100th anniversary of Ali Tuda, the prominent poet of Azerbaijan was held in ANAS

Scientific session devoted to the 100th anniversary of Ali Tuda, the prominent poet of Azerbaijan was held in ANAS

Scientific session devoted to the 100th anniversary of Ali Tuda, the prominent poet of Azerbaijan, member of the Union of Azerbaijani Writers, honoured art worker was held at the Institute of Literature of ANAS named after Nizami Ganjavi on April 30.

The event started with studying the exhibit reflecting life and path of the poet.

Starting his speech Isa Habibbeyli, the president of ANAS, director of the Institute of Literature, academician emphasized that the main objective of the event is to publicize again the writings of Ali Tuda, one of well-known representatives of Azerbaijan literature of the 20th century to the Azerbaijani society. He added that Ali Tuda, the member of Union of Azerbaijani Writers, honoured art worker was one of the main founders of literature of Southern Azerbaijan in our country. The prominent poet is an author of the brilliant lyric writings on national and moral integrity of Azerbaijan, liberty and patriotism. 

Saying that the experience of Ali Tuda in ideological content and artistic skills is wide and diverse, Isa Habibbeyli, the academician added that Ali Tuda, despite of the difficulties of his period, fearlessly touched upon the political and social views in his lyric works.

“All works of Ali Tuda are consisting of comprehensive lyric. His poetry has story line and heroes. Even lyrical notes and specific literary style exist in his writings”- said the academician.

Mentioning that the troublous life of Ali Tuda is an example for new generation, the president of ANAS underlined that life and path of the poet are studied in the Institute of Literature, his books are published and PhD in philology, docent Agahuseyn Shukurov defended the dissertation about Ali Tuda.

The academician noted that the part of a book on “History of Azerbaijan Literature” of the Institute of Literature concerning the Southern Azerbaijan is prepared in a short period of time by the Southern Azerbaijan department of the institute and there is an essay about Ali Tuda in the same part.

He also underlined that the poems of the prominent writer calling for freedom became a message for the southern countrymen for the right to native language education and culture. Isa Habibbeyli, the academician said that the scientific session shows the great attention and respect of the philologists to Ali Tuda’s life.

Afterwards Selim Babullaoğlu, the secretary of International Relations of the Union of Azerbaijani Writers made a speech and underlined that organization of the 100th anniversary of Ali Tuda after the 44-Day Patriotic War has a symbolic meaning.

“Ali Tuda is an author of 50 poems and 60 books, his poems are published in different languages, various countries of the world.  For better understanding of Ali Tuda it is necessary to get acquainted with his selected works”. 

Some scientific researchers made reports at the scientific session.

PhD in philology, docent Agahuseyn Shukurov gave a report on “Creative path of Ali Tuda”, doctor of Sciences in Philology, dosent Esmira Fuad gave a report on “Folklore in creative thinking of Ali Tuda”, doctor of Sciences in Philology, docent Parvana Mammadli gave a report on “Grief in creative thinking of Ali Tuda”, Ph.D. in philology, docent Makhmizar Mehdibayova gave a report on “prose of Ali Tuda” and senior research worker Latifa Mirzoyeva made a report on “dialogue of Samad Vurgun and Ali Tuda”.

At the end Natig Javadzade, the son of the poet made a speech on behalf of his family and read some poetry of his farther and expressed his gratitude to the organizers and attendees of the event. Speaking about the life of Ali Tuda, the son of the poet emphasized that his farther was in exile twice and added that Ali Tuda is mainly known for his patriotic writings but he also has other fantastic works. Natig Javadzade noted that Ali Tuda was born in Chanagbulag village near the bottom of Savalan Mountain and felt a longing for that place. He underlined that Ali Tuda couldn’t visit his native land as the Southern Azerbaijan poets who once came with him to the south did. The reason is that he had political exile passport. Natig Javadzade mentioned that for his father’s memory he collected and published books of Ali Tuda in 20 tomes.    

Translator: Reyhan Majidli, department of information of administration of the Presidium of ANAS

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