Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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08.05.2024 14:50
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Academician Isa Habibbeyli met with the scientists of the Turkic World

Academician Isa Habibbeyli met with the scientists of the Turkic World

Isa Habibbeyli, president of ANAS met with the president of International Turkic Academy and scientists of the Turkic world within the second meeting of the commission on common alphabet of the Turkic world.

The meeting was held in the Presidium of ANAS with the participation of the scientists from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. 

Saying that he is pleased to see the guests in ANAS, Isa Habibbeyli, the academician reminded that the International Turkic Academy was established in 2010 and today Azerbaijan, Turkey, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan are members of the Academy and Hungary has the observer status.

Isa Habibbeyli said that Professor Dr. Darkhan Kidirali, ex-president of International Turkic Academy had special role in the development of the academy and now academician, president of the ITA Shahin Mustafayev is doing his best for further strengthening of the relations of Academies of Sciences and higher educational institutions of the Turkic states.

“The place we are gathered today is of great importance. It has a historical meaning. This is the place where the First Turkology Congress commenced its activities in February-March of 1926. It was held just in the big event hall of the Presidium of ANAS. The transition of Turkic people to common alphabet was discussed at the congress and 111 votes were for and 7 against. The issue on transition of Turkic people to a common alphabet is on the way towards reality. This matter is of great importance for the unity of the Turkic world. This will also realize the ideas of the participants of the First Turkology Congress who were exiled. 80th anniversary of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences will be celebrated in 2025. The Academy had distinguished services in the development of science, national thinking and in the protection of our native language within this period”-said Isa Habibbeyli, the academician.

Touching upon the works of ANAS related to the Turkic world, Isa Habibbeyli, academician said that “Dīwān Lughāt al-Turk” by Mahmud Kashgari, translated by Khalid Said Khoja in XX century within 35-37 years is published by the Institute of Linguistics. Dresden, Vatican and Gunbad copies of “Kitabi-Dede Gorgud” are getting ready for publishing.

Professors of Ege University of Turkey, Fikret Turkman, scientist, well-known turkologist, Mustafa Omar, scientists, Syrtbay Musayev, academician of Kyrgyz National Academy made speeches  at the meeting expressing their thoughts about turkology and Turkic world. 

Later on, Isa Habibbeyli, academician presented the publications of ANAS to the guests.

Commemorative photo was taken at the end of the meeting. 

Translator: Reyhan Majidli, Department of Public Relations, Press and Information of the Presidium Administration of ANAS

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