Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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17.05.2024 17:04
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Republican scientific conference themed “Actual problems of the library science” was held in the Central Scientific Library

Republican scientific conference themed “Actual problems of the library science” was held in the Central Scientific Library

Republican scientific conference themed “Actual problems of the library science” dedicated to the 101st anniversary of National Leader Heydar Aliyev was held with the organization of the Central Scientific Library of ANAS.

Delivering a welcoming speech at the conference, academician Isa Habibbeyli, President of ANAS, said that he was pleased to see the guests at the Library of the Academy. He underlined that the conference dedicated to the actual issues of library science is held with the participation of Central Scientific Library for the third time.

The academician Isa Habibbeyli said that the laws on libraries adopted by the Milli Majlis of the Azerbaijan Republic and approved by President Ilham Aliyev as well as works held in the processing of electronic documents according to the requirements of the modern period are widely discussed at the conference. Academician Isa Habibbeyli underlined the importance of the conference and mentioned that the historical victory was won during the 44-day Patriotic War as a result of the iron will, great talent, and heroism of President Ilham Aliyev and the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the country was fully restored due to the military-political steps. 

“This is a rare event in a long history of Azerbaijan and this conference is held just when Azerbaijan, being a fully sovereign country, decisively steps towards the peace treaty. Our librarians must work according to the national interests of the independent Azerbaijan state and nation. The libraries must be the center of Azerbaijanism. Using the potential of ANAS, the Central Scientific Library of ANAS must work hard in informing the people about Azerbaijanism, independence, statehood and full sovereignty on the scientific grounds. As scientists, and intellectuals of the country, this is our duty to conduct the scientific works on ideological bases of the policy of Azerbaijan Leader, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev and deliver the information to the society via the libraries and mass media. National Leader, outstanding politician Heydar Aliyev who brought Azerbaijan out of the XX century crisis, laid down the foundation of a new development. Azerbaijan could join the most influential countries of the world  as a result of the policy, founded by National Leader Heydar Aliyev and conducted by President Ilham Aliyev, according to the new geopolitical conditions, during the past period, that entered into the modern history of Azerbaijan as splendid 20 years. Therefore a modern library has to move with the times and show the developed Azerbaijan to the world”-said academician Isa Habibbeyli.

Saying that the electronic movement started in ANAS and considerable results have been obtained, Isa Habibbeyli, President of ANAS spoke about the works on electronization held in Central Scientific Library, problems existing in this field, perspectives and ways of solving, and gave corresponding instructions to director of the Library, PhD in engineering sciences, docent Huseyn Huseynov.  

Professor Karim Tahirov, director of Azerbaijan National Library named after M.F.Akhundov said that important cooperation continues between ANAS and National Library for many years and they are ready to cooperate with Central Scientific Library as well. The professor expressed his confidence that the cooperation with the Library of the Academy will be fruitful and successful. 

Professor Karim Tahirov highlighted the exceptional services of National Leader Heydar Aliyev in development of the libraries that are integral parts of the Azerbaijan culture and presented a book “Heydar Aliyev and National Library” and fundamental bibliography to docent Huseyn Huseynov, director of the Central Scientific Library, on behalf of the National Library. The book was published by the National Library within “A Year of Heydar Aliyev”.

Alamdar Bayramov, Dean of the faculty of information and document management of Baku State University, deputy director of Presidential Library Kamala Sarijalinskaya, director of the Library of ADA University Elchin Mammadov, chief of General Library of the Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations made speeches at the conference and spoke about the actuality of the conference and wished success to the participants.

The conference continued its work in the form of section meetings covering themes as “Heydar Aliyev and Book Culture in Azerbaijan”, “Science-library-society in Communication” and “Role of the Libraries in changing social environment”.

Translator: Reyhan Majidli, Public Relations, Press and Information Department of the Presidium Administration of ANAS

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