Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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18.05.2024 13:12
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A presentation of the book “My Life”, consisting of the memories of academician Musa Aliyev, was held

A presentation of the book “My Life”, consisting of the memories of academician Musa Aliyev, was held


A presentation of the book “My Life”, consisting of memories of the life of academician Musa Aliyev, a well-known scientist and public figure, was held in the National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi.   

Academician Rafael Huseynov, director of the Museum said that Musa Aliyev, who made important contributions to the development of Azerbaijan science, with his fundamental researches, had special services in preparation of highly qualified professionals. Rafael Huseynov also underlined that author of the book, unforgettable scientist and state figure Musa Aliyev, was a President of Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences in 1950-1958 years. He added that Musa Aliyev, as a President of AAS, gained significant achievements in the formation of intellectual potential and in the organization of perspective areas of science in the republic.

“While reading the book, it is really amazing to see how he could live in such a difficult period and protect his dignity and conscience and also contribute to innovation in science. He had such a life that his children, relatives, and people knowing him are always proud of him”-the academician added.

It was also said that a project on the development perspectives of Azerbaijan for 1950-1970 years was prepared with the leadership of academician Musa Aliyev. The metro in Azerbaijan, the National Drama Theatre, the National Library, the Observatory in Shamakha, the Sumgayit Pipe-Rolling Plant, the Ganja Aluminum Plant, the Academy of Sciences and other important constructions can be reminded here. Musa Aliyev started to write down his memories in the last years of his life. This book is an essential document and a mirror of the history.

Afterward, academician Isa Habibbeyli, President of ANAS delivered a speech at the meeting and reminded the services of the outstanding figure Musa Aliyev in the development of Azerbaijan science and his effective activity as the greatest organizer of science. Until now none of the leaders of the Academy have written a memoir. The book of Musa Aliyev is the first valuable work.

Academician Isa Habibbeyli underlined that it is as if the author, once again, demonstrates us the XX century in this book and gives precious information about the rising period of the history of the Academy to the young generation.  

Academician Akif Alizade, director of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, PhD in history Jabi Bayramov, Department head of the Institute of History and Ethnology of ANAS and Professor Dilara Seyidzade spoke about the scientific-organizational and social-political life of Musa Aliyev and assessed the book as helpful and essential historical source.

Grandchild of Musa Aliyev Jamila Pashayeva-Seyidzade reminded that the jubilee of her grandfather was celebrated at a high level in Paris, UNESCO, and highlighted that she is proud of the lifestyle of academician Musa Aliyev.

At the end, Professor Hafiz Pashayev, rector of ADA University expressed his gratitude to all who had contributed to creation of the book and organizers of the event. He said that the book returns us the eternal heritage of academician Musa Aliyev.

The parliamentarians, well-known intellectuals and public representatives got acquainted with the stand reflecting the different periods of lifestyle of academician Musa Aliyev.

Translator: Reyhan Majidli, Public Relations, Press and Information Department of the Presidium Administration of ANAS

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