Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


18.12.2015 09:32
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Next meeting of the Board of Directors of scientific institutions of ANAS

Next meeting of the Board of Directors of scientific institutions of ANAS

Next meeting of the Board of Directors of scientific institutions of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS). The meeting was attended by President of ANAS, Vice-president, Academician-secretary of ANAS, Academician-secretary of the scientific departments, directors of research institutes and organizations, heads of departments and divisions of the ANAS Presidium Administration.

Opening the event, President of ANAS, Academician Akif Alizadeh welcomed the participants and acquainted them with the issues on the agenda. Referring to results of the year and the works carried out of this year, President of ANAS noted that, 2015 was quite successful, fruitful and productive for the organization, and added that this year by the Academy was conducted about 60 major events, 26 of which were at the international scale.

Speaking about the work carried out for the implementation of the "State Program for implementation of the National Strategy for the development of science", Academician Akif Alizadeh noted that, the successful implementation of this strategy had a positive influence on the choice of spheres of scientific research in accordance with the important socio-cultural challenges of the country, as well as priority trends in world science, modernization of control systems in the scientific field, the integration of science and education, improvement of social welfare of the researchers, etc.

Then were discussed issues such as the status of the subjects of management of ANAS and their challenges, the process of admission to doctoral studies conducting a sociological survey among PhD students, preparations for the winter examination session in the magistracy of ANAS, scientific and technical cooperation between ANAS and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, creation relations with publishers "Nature Publishing Group" and "PalgraveMacmillan". Were announced proposals on these issues.

Therefore acted Academic Secretary of ANAS, Academician Rasim Alguliyev, Head of the Administrative Department of ANAS, PhD in Political Science Fatali Abdullayev, Head of the Department of Education and Science of the Presidium Administration of ANAS, PhD Aminaga Sadigov, Head of International Relations and PhD in geological-mineralogical sciences Gulam Babayev and others.

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