Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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10.07.2024 16:00
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A scientific creative-meeting titled “Literary Process-2023” was held

A scientific creative-meeting titled “Literary Process-2023” was held

On July 10, the Institute of Literature of ANAS, named after Nizami Ganjavi, hosted a scientific-creative meeting titled "Literary Process-2023."

The event was attended by the president of ANAS, and the director of the Institute of Literature, Academician Isa Habibbeyli, the secretary of Azerbaijan Writer’s Union (AWU), poet, and translator Salim Babullaoglu, literary scholars, representatives from the media, and others.

The meeting began with guests exploring an exhibition of publications in the hall that showcased the themes of “Literary Process” scientific-creative meetings.

In his opening speech, Academician Isa Habibbeyli, president of ANAS and director of the Institute of Literature, emphasized that the “Literary Process” meetings have become a tradition. He highlighted the significance of the event in expanding ties between ANAS and the Azerbaijan Writers' Union, understanding and interpreting the literary process, and advancing science and literature. The Academician described the “Literary Process” meetings as a responsible report by writers and critics involved in the literary process, noting that such events contribute to the development of literature and the enrichment of literary studies.

The Academician reminded the audience that the 10th anniversary of the "Literary Process" scientific-creative meeting was organized at the "Natavan" club of the Azerbaijan Writer’s Union last year.

“In 2014, we revived the “Literary Process” scientific-creative meetings, which had been held during the Soviet period and a few times during the years of independence. In the 2014 literary process, the literature of 2013 was discussed. Thus, last year marked the 10th anniversary of including this period of literary progress in the literary process.”-said the Academician.  

Based on his ten years of observations, the head of ANAS noted that during these meetings, the review of the history of Azerbaijani literature of the independence period was written. He stated that these events had revitalized both science and literature, serving as a bridge between the Institute of Literature of ANAS named after Nizami Ganjavi, and the Azerbaijan Writers' Union. Additionally, they had strengthened the relationship between the media and the institute.

Academician Isa Habibbeyli noted that after the creative meetings, the works of employees from the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi began to appear more frequently in the press. Reports presented at the “Literary Process” meetings are periodically published in newspapers such as "525-ci qəzet" and "Ədəbiyyat qəzeti," as well as in magazines like "Ulduz" and "Azərbaycan."

Academician Isa Habibbeyli said that the literature of 2023 can be described as the literature of integrity. He emphasized that the literature that welcomes and glorifies the great historical Victory achieved in 2020 under the leadership of Supreme Commander-in-Chief, President Ilham Aliyev tried to understand it in the following years and, finally, the full restoration of Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity during the local anti-terrorist measures carried out by the Azerbaijani Army in Karabakh on September 19-20, 2023, and waving of our State Flag in all our territories have led to the reflection of the essence, philosophy, and reality of these victories in the literature. According to the Academician, literature focused on Karabakh before 2020 was literature fighting for the liberation of the territories from occupation. In 2020, it became literature celebrating victory, and from 2021 to 2023, it has been literature confirming Azerbaijan's integrity.

In conclusion of his speech, Academician Isa Habibbeyli stated that the "Literary Process" meetings aim to conduct a systematic analysis of literary process, deeply understanding literary life, and train specialized critics.

Following him, the secretary of Azerbaijan Writer’s Union Salim Babullaoglu emphasized the importance of the "Literary Process" meetings for creating sources, systematizing ongoing events, and reporting. He expressed special gratitude to Academician Isa Habibbeyli for his support in organizing and conducting these creative meetings at a high level.

Salim Babullaoglu gave information about the history and activity of the magazine "World Literature” of the Azerbaijan Writer’s Union and noted that the publication features numerous articles by the employees of the Institute of Literature. He also spoke about the objectives and principles of literary criticism, emphasizing that literary criticism is a professional criticism. In conclusion of his speech, Salim Babullaoglu wished success to the "Literary Process" meeting.

Next at the event, the scientists presented their reports: Elnara Akimova, Doctor of Philological Sciences, presented on "Literary Picture of the Year", Vagif Yusifli, Doctor of Philological Sciences, discussed "Poetry", Elnara Garagozova, PhD in Philology, focused on "Prose", Shahana Aliyeva, PhD in Philology, covered "Dramaturgy", Javanshir Yusifli, Doctor of Philological Sciences, addressed "Literary Youth (Creativity of Young Generations)", Gurbet Mirzazade, PhD in Philology, presented on "Literary Criticism", Vugar Ahmad, Doctor of Philological Sciences, spoke about "Journalism”, Aygun Bagirli, PhD in Philology, discussed "Children's Literature", Parvana Mammadli, Doctor of Philological Sciences, focused on "Literature of Southern Azerbaijan", Nurlana Mammadova, PhD in Philology, explored "Literary Life in Regions", and Rasim Nabioglu, Doctor of Philological Sciences, presented on "Literary Translation."

It should be mentioned that the reports presented at the event will be published in a book form.

Translator: Reyhan Majidli, Public Relations, Press and Information Department of the Presidium Administration of ANAS

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