Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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12.01.2016 15:27
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Meeting devoted to the activities of the ANAS Central Scientific Library for 2015 held

Meeting devoted to the activities of the ANAS Central Scientific Library for 2015 held

Central Scientific Library (CSL) hosted reporting meeting devoted to the activities of the CSL in 2015.

Opened the meeting, Vice-President of ANAS, Academician Isa Habibbeyli highly appreciated the activity of the library in the past year and brought to the attention that, during the last year in the library were organized important events at the highest level.

Then the Director of CSL, PhD in Medicine Leyla Imanova delivered a report on the results of the library in 2015.

Was noted that, last year the research activity of CSL was focused on the execution of orders, decrees and governmental programs of the state head and the Cabinet of Ministers of Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as the decisions and orders of ANAS. In this direction were implemented a variety of activities, including in the framework of events dedicated to the anniversaries of a number of prominent thinkers, writers, scientists and artists, materials, consisting of works by anniversaries and were systematized, digitized and included into the National Digital memory. There was prepared the exhibition of materials in digital and print format.

L.Imanova reported that, last year CSL carried out structural reforms and approved a new Charter of the library. During the year, were created new departments as National Digital Memory, Development and Introduction of Information Technologies, Innovative Projects, as well as Department of Public Health. In addition, the Academic Council was abolished, but instead was created the Board, Commission on Internal Discipline and the Commission to Assess the Sources of Information.

It was noted that, Information Resource Center was established at the library structure in last year.

At the meeting were noted the works done in library in the direction of organization of public events, value and implementation of social projects. She noted that, after completion of process of resettlement of books the Central Scientific library was given to use of readers since September of this year. Noted active participation of library in realization of a number important programs last year, Leyla Imanova told about activity of CSL in organization of events at republican value. Noting the successful functioning of the Information Resource Center, L.Imanova brought to the attention, that prepared in the center of United Management Programme will be applied at the scientific institutions and then in the other structures in the early stages.

Then spoke Academician Isa Habibbeyli, who stressed the effective activities of the Central Scientific Library in the reporting year.

In conclusion, in order to ensure the mutual exchange of scientific information for the National Digital memory was recommended event to discuss the coordination of information exchange with the participation of representatives of relevant departments of institutions and organizations, including scientists -secretaries and deputy Director for Research.

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