Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


21.01.2016 15:09
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Japanese experts visited Republican Seismological Survey Center

Japanese experts visited Republican Seismological Survey Center

Japan's Agency for International Development is going to cooperate with Government of Azerbaijan on "Disaster Management and Prevention sector". For this purpose, Japan International Cooperation Organization visited the country with a group of experts.

Exptert group chaired by Ryuici Hara has been at Monitoring Center of the Republican Seismological Survey Center (RSSC) attached to ANAS. Director of the Center, corresponding member of ANAS Gurban Yetirmishli informed the guests on seismological, geophysical and geochemical studies, carried out in the RSSC.

Later on, chief department of Dynamics of the earthquake epicenters S.Kazimova made a presentation on outputs of studies conducted by Center employees in the mud volcanoes and landslide zones, in addition to complex studies which held in the Center.

In a meeting were discussed development prospects between Japan's Agency for International Development and RSSC.

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