Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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29.01.2016 16:56
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Report of the scientific and organizational activity of the Department of Earth Sciences in 2015

Report of the scientific and organizational activity of the Department of Earth Sciences in 2015

On, January 29, Presidium of ANAS held a meeting of the Department of Earth Sciences (DES). The meeting was attended by members of the Bureau, Directors, deputy directors for scientific work and scientific secretaries of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Geography and the Republican Seismological Survey Center, representatives of Baku State University, Azerbaijan State Oil Academy, SOCAR and other relevant government agencies.

Opening the event Academician-Secretary of the Department of Earth Sciences, Academician Fakhraddin Gadirov said that the agenda of the meeting included discussions on the annual report of the department and the results of admission to doctoral studies for the preparation of doctors of philosophy, as well as do dissertate for preparation of PhD and Doctor of Sciences on 2015-2016 academic year.

The event also discussed the topics of theses of the doctorates and dissertates for DHS. Then there was an exchange of views on topics, recommendations were made.

The meeting also discussed important results in geology, geophysics and seismology derived from other research and educational institutions. Reported on the scientific and organizational activity of the department in 2015, Fakhraddin Gadirov noted that in the reporting year in the plan of scientific research included scientific and technical research both fundamental and applied nature.

Academician Gadirov said that the department institutes have been conducted research on 35 topics covering 14 problems completed 5 topics, achieved 4 important results, 3 work applied to work. In the specialized councils of defense were protected 6 theses for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Currently, 53 PhD students are educated in the scientific institutions of the department (18 intramural, 35 extramural).

During the year, DHS institutes have implemented activities included in a series involving the use of scientific and technological potential separation of state programs approved by the President of the Republic. It was noted that in the last year was published 4 monographs and 12 books as well as 260 articles and 74 theses. In 2015, 24 articles were published by department employees in the journals with impact factor

Grants were received from the Science Development Fund under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and SOCAR Science Development Fund. It was stressed that in the past year on the orders of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan DHS scientists were awarded personal scholarships of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the order "Shohrat" Medal "Tereggi" and the honorary title of "Honored engineer".

Next meeting presentations were made on the report. Activities of the department in 2015 were highly appreciated.

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