Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


01.02.2016 09:10
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Students of Education Complex # 132-134 visited the Institute of Physiology

Students of Education Complex # 132-134 visited the Institute of Physiology

Students of the Educational Complex # 132-134, which took part with "Scientists of Tomorrow" project at the V Republican contest, organized in U.S with framework of international exhibition of science and engineering, visited ANAS Institute of Physiology named after A. Garayev.

At the meeting Director of the scientific institution Doctor of Biology Ulduz Hashimova noted the importance of the close ties between science and education in our country for the successful future of domestic science and stressed the importance of participation of students in various academic competitions.

Then held discussions around the project "Healthy Lifestyle — Healthy Generation" presented by students, the specialists of the Institute gave its recommendations.

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