Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


04.02.2016 09:53
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Palestinian Ambassador to our country delivered a lecture at ANAS Central Scientific Library

Palestinian Ambassador to our country delivered a lecture at ANAS Central Scientific Library

Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador Abdul Nasser Karim delivered a lecture on “Palestinian conflict and prospects for peace in the Near East” at Central Scientific Library (CSL).

The report conducted about the Palestinian history of the XX century and Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The occupation of Palestine is regarded as the longest occupation in modern human history, stated the Ambassador and noted the historical facts in this regard.

Informing about historical roots of the creation process of the state of Israel, speaker stressed out that, by challenging 1st World Zionist Congress by Herzl Tedor in Switzerland in 1897, and by support of Western countries in particular England, Jewish state was established in the lands of Palestine.

It was noted that thousands of Jews who fled from the Nazis in the Second World War in Europe, moved to Palestine. On 27 November 1947, the UN General Assembly decided on the establishment of the Arab and the Jewish state in the Palestinian territories, 56 percent of lands were given to the Jewish poeple and left 44 percent to the Palestinian people, while Jerusalem was approved as an international buffer zone. On November 5, 1988 Palestinian National Council declared an independent Palestinian state.

In the event, active cooperation between Azerbaijan and Palestine in science, education and culture was highlighted and similar features of both countries touched upon.

In closing, Ambassador Nasser Karim responded attendees’ questions.

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