Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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04.02.2016 15:35
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Report of the scientific and organizational activity of ANAS Department of Earth Sciences in 2015

Report of the scientific and organizational activity of ANAS Department of Earth Sciences in 2015

February 4, a regular meeting of the Presidium of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences was held. At the event, was made a report on results of activity of the Department of Earth Sciences of ANAS in 2015.

On the scientific and organizational work carried out in the department during the year, reported Academician-Secretary of the Department, Academician Fakhraddin Gadirov.

Academician-Secretary of the department briefed the participants on the important results and achievements obtained during the year: "Last year, the department institutions were carried out research on 35 topics covering 14 scientific problems, completed the 5 works. The department received four important result of the work 3 have been applied. During the year, 4 monographs and 12 books were published by scientific institutions. Also defended 6 theses for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, and 3 individuals were accepted to doctoranture. Currently, 53 PhD students study at department institutes. In 2015, one person entered the Master's degree in the specialty "Geology of the bottom of the seas and oceans" at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics ".

Last year have been published 405 articles and 35 abstracts, of which 24 journals with impact factor, 108 - abroad.

Academician Fakhraddin Gadirov spoke about the implementation of the events under President Ilham Aliyev's government programs, as well as international conferences and symposia. He noted that in the reporting year was held an international scientific-practical conference "Problems of adaptation of geological and natural and economic systems to modern global changes", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Institute of Geography. At the international multidisciplinary forum "Week of academic science - 2015" dedicated to the 70th anniversary of ANAS were represented the institutions of the Department of Earth Sciences. Also, September 14-18 last year in Baku with the joint organization of the Department of Earth Sciences and the Republican Seismological SurveyCenter was held X International Seismological Workshop-School "Modern methods of processing and interpretation of seismic data."

Fakhraddin Gadirov noted that in the reporting year, the delegation headed by President of ANAS, Academician Akif Alizadeh attended at a scientific conference in Italy and Switzerland, organized jointly with the Center of Heydar Aliyev in the event, "Milan Expo 2015". Presentation of the "Atlas of mud volcanoes in the world" was held and report on “The phenomenon of mud volcanoes in Azerbaijan" listened. A team led by vice-president of ANAS, Academician Ibrahim Guliyev made presentations at the XXVI Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, held in the capital of Czech Republic Prague.

Academician stated that department staff participated in the international scientific and practical conferences and symposiums organized in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Dubna, Astrakhan, Tbilisi, Kiev, Atyrau, Bishkek, Istanbul, Ankara, Prague, Lugano, Madrid, Florence, Milan, Vienna, Potsdam, Tel Aviv, Los Angeles, Beijing and other cities around the world.

After listening to and discussing the annual report of department Presidium adopted a decree. Scientific and scientific-organizational activity of Department in 2015 was found to be satisfactory and decided to include the report in the annual report of ANAS.

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