Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


24.02.2016 15:42
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24th anniversary of Khojaly tragedy commemorated at the Institute of Linguistics

24th anniversary of Khojaly tragedy commemorated at the Institute of Linguistics

On February 24, Institute of Linguistics named after Nasimi held commemorative event devoted to 24th anniversary of Khojaly tragedy.

In advance, memory of our killed fellows and martyrs, who sacrificed for sake of motherland, was commemorated for a minute of silence.

Acting director of this scientific venture, corresponding member of ANAS Mohsun Nagisoylu spoke about Khojaly tragedy, one of the bloody events of Azerbaijan history, severe consequences of this crime committed by Armenian armed forces against our nation, brutally killing of civilian people, the hostage people be exposure to torture, persecution and insults. Delivering Khojaly truths to the world community, politically-legally estimating this extremely military crime at the international scale are mainstreamed in state policy, he noted.

In the event, Professors Sayali Sadigova, Ismayil Mammadli, Ilhami Jafarov, Gara Mashadiyev and others highlighted the Khojaly tragedy as a terrible act of violence in the history of mankind with its unimaginable cruelty and methods of inhuman punishment.

Object opinion and honest position has been formed about Khojaly tragedy, the most terrible tragedy of XX centur, after purposeful and broad promo in the whole world in recent years. Participants of the event expressed confident in condemning heinous acts of Armenians at the international level, punishing the perpetrators of the Khojaly genocide, liberating our occupied lands from enemies, returning of our compatriots to their lost ancestral lands and restoring country's territorial integrity.

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