Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


04.03.2016 14:27
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Institute of Literature discussed cooperation issues with German scientists

Institute of Literature discussed cooperation issues with German scientists

ANAS Institute of Literature named after Nizami held meeting with Sieglinda Hartmann, President of the Oswald von Volkenshagen Society, a professor at the University of Würzburg, Professor at the Institute of Germanistic under Baku Slavic University and Claus Wolf, a professor at the University of Augsburg.

Vice-President of ANAS, director of the Institute of Literature, Academician Isa Habibbayli informed the guests on the establishment history, development way and priority scientific directions of this scientific venture and stated its special interest in international ties.

Making speech on scientific activities between countries I. Habibbayli expressed his confident in fruitful cooperation in the field of literature study as well. Notifying deep historical roots of Azerbaijan-Germany ties, academician stressed out the necessity to continue this collaboration in future.

Professor Sieglinda Hartmann provided information on the activities, academic ties of the society led by her and carried out research works.

In his turn, Professor of Ausburg University Claus Wolf dealt with international conference and congress to be held in the highest university represented by, and highlighted attendance of Azerbaijani scientists at these events advisable.

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