Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


07.03.2016 11:43
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8 March – International Women Day celebrated in ANAS

8 March – International Women Day celebrated in ANAS

On March 7, main building Of ANAS hosted ceremony devoted to 8 March –International Women Day organized by Free Trade Union of ANAS Administration Presidium.

Event was attended by 16 chairwomen of Trade Unions of scientific ventures of ANAS.

Opening the event chairman of Free Trade Union, Professor Isa Aliyev congratulated women associates of Academy. Making speech their role in a society and a family, he also highlighted them as a moral supporter.

In the event, scientific researcher of Scientific Funds of the Institute of Manuscripts, chairwoman of Trade Union Zahida Hajiyeva and chairwoman of the Trade Union of the Institute of Erosion and irrigation were awarded The Certificate of Merit of ANAS for their social activities.

In closing, women associates were donated gifts.

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