ANAS National Museum of Azerbaijani Literature held a regular meeting of the Academic Council of Coordination Council of Scientific Research of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the problems of philology. Opening the event, Chairman of the Board, Academician Rafael Huseynov informed about the topics, directors and consultants of dissertates and doctoral students, who entered the Council on the training program for doctors and PhD.
It was noted that, a comprehensive discussion of the thesis is of great importance in specialized scientific sections.
Carrying out of discussions in this area makes it possible to evaluate the priority sectors, the correct direction research activities, eliminating repetitions, the timely approval of the Scientific Council on the philological problems.
Further, were held extensive discussions of themes of new dissertates and doctoral students, received from the relevant sections.
At the event, with some changes were approved 27 theses, 6 of which were presented according to the training program for doctors and 21 - PhD.
The discussion was attended by Doctor of Philology Azer Rasulov, Azada Musayeva, Badirkhan Ahmadov, Bilal Ismayilov, Jalil Nagiyev, Fakhraddin Veysalli, Gazanfar Kazimov, Gulu Maharramli, Nadir Mammadli, Shafaq Alibeyli, Mehdi Kazimov and others that put forward their views and suggestions.
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