Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


31.03.2016 09:30
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ANAS hosted the events related to 31 March – Genocide Day of Azerbaijanis

ANAS hosted the events related to 31 March – Genocide Day of Azerbaijanis

On March 30, Institute of Linguistics named after Nasimi held event devoted to March 31 – Genocide Day of Azerbaijanis.

At the event, acting director of the institute corresponding member of ANAS Mohsun Nagisoylu spoke about bloody crimes of defamed Armenians in city and regions of Azerbaijan, including Baku, Shamaky, Guba in 1918-1920. As a result of horrible genocide against our people, ten thousands of people were brutally killed, he noted.

Then Professors Sayali Sadigova, Ismayil Mammadli, Ilhami Jafarsoy stated that, bloody deeds of Bolsheviks and Armenian dashnaks chaired by Shaumyan at that time in Baku, Shamaky, Guba, Lankaran, Salyan, Zangazur and Nakhchivan were crime against mankind.

Before the commemorative event held in the Institute of Manuscripts named after Muhammad Fuzuli, genocide victims were cherished for a minute of silence.

At the event Deputy Directors of Science of the institute – Dr. Philology Aybeniz Aliyeva-Kangarli and Dr. Philology Pasha Karimov, scientific secretary of the institute Ph.D in Philology Azizaga Najafzadeh, Ph.D in Philology Kamandar Sharifov and others stressed out the necessity of delivering broad information on the tragedy to the world public.

“Genocides committed by Armenians” book exhibition developed by “Library and scientific information” department of the institute and documentary “Genocide day of Azerbaijanis – historical facts, truths” were demonstrated.

ANAS Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography conducted commemorative event related in genocide day of Azerbaijanis on March 31 as well.

Director of the aforementioned institute Dr. History Prof. Maisa Rahimova noted that, massacre that has taken place in March of 1918 occupies a special place among the genocide acts committed against our people by Armenians.

Speaking at the commemoration event corresponding member of ANAS Ilyas Babayev, Dr. History Asadulla Jafarov, PhD in History Mikayil Mustafayev, Bahman Aliyev and others noted national leader Heydar Aliyev’s decree on March 26, 1998 “About genocide of Azerbaijanis” as the first political assessment to the genocide.

Also to the commemorative events dedicated to the victims of the genocide was joined Huseyn Javid’s Memorial Flat.

Director of the Institute, Doctor of Philology Gulbeniz Babakhanli told about ethnic cleansing, genocide and aggression policy against Azerbaijanis.

She said that, great Azerbaijani poet and playwright Huseyn Javid faced genocide committed against Azerbaijanis by Dashnak Armenian on March 1918 as well.

Armenian broadminded butchers withdrawn Huseyn Javid and other peoples by force of arms from the "Tabriz" hotel and along the way most of these people were shot.

Huseyn Javid rescued from the clutches of death as a result of a coincidence.

During the event were demonstrated exhibition reflecting photos and literature dedicated to the victims of genocide.

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