Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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01.04.2016 12:28
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“Language of the manuals for secondary schools: norm and style problems” conference to be held

“Language of the manuals for secondary schools: norm and style problems” conference to be held

On April 1, conference “Language of the manuals for secondary schools: norm and style problems” organized by Institute of Linguistics was held.

At the event Acting Director of the scientific venture, corresponding member Mohsun Nagisoylu spoke about state care for Azerbaijani language, and works done within "State Program on the use of Azerbaijani language met with requirements of time and development of linguistics in the country” in the institute. Monitoring department has been established at the institute, which engaged in practical state of the language today, he stated.

Making speech on properties of using literary language in various areas, existed problems and characteristic allowed defects M. Nagisoylu stressed out the significance of language shortcomings in these fields.

Chief of the Monitoring Department, Prof. Gulu Maharramli noted that, violation of phonetic, lexical and grammatical rules often come across in the textbooks. For example, in some cases, the release of punctuations, word order violations, limit the use of words in the right place, morphological sign and syntactic means etc. could be example for norm violations.

In the conference PhD in Philology Rasim Heydarov brought to mind the monitoring results carried out over 8th grade “Computer science” textbook, PhD in Philology Shahlar Mammadov over 8th grade “Azerbaijani language” textbook and Parvin Eyvazov 7th grade “Computer science” textbook.

Event scheduled proposals in preventing of existed shortcomings, questions were responded.

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