Distance Education Center of ANAS Institute of Information Technology for the first time has realized live connection via Nakhchivan Department through AzScienceNet science computer network due to listening of lectures, covering various fields of computer science. Nakhchivan State University and ANAS Ganja Department were connected as well. Opening the event, which realized via videoconference system, director of the institute, Academician-Secretary of ANAS Rasim Alguliyev greeted the attendees and patronage in first.
The scientist said that the e-science aims at increasing the efficiency of scientific institutions in the country and forming online single scientific infrastructure. Eventually, access to scientific-technical data and computing resources, including joint activities of research institutions and scientists in a virtual space are provided. Currently, the development of e-science in the country, particularly in the regions, the education system meet with international standards, usage of the information-communication technologies (ICT) in the fields of health, economy and other fields are of priorities.
R. Alguliyev made speech on done work in formation of information society in the country, wide application of ICT on all spheres, and adopted state programs. “State Program on social-economic development of regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan” has set special tasks forth scientists, and ensuring the rapid development of the regions is the consistent part of fruitful social-economic development strategy that is implemented in the country, he noted.
Dealing with recent large scaled reforms of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, academician brought to mind ANAS and Presidium’s decisions associated with ICT application in the regions. He stated that, one of these decisions was the establishment of Distance Educational Center at the Nakhchivan Department of ANAS Presidium. Under decision, Distance Educational Center has been established at the Nakhchivan Department of ANAS by the employees of the Institute of Information Technology. In 2015, opening ceremony of the Center was taken place in a joint regular meeting of Nakhchivan Department of ANAS and Presidium.
"For several years, computer science is trained through the Distance Educational Center in the research institutions of Nakhchivan State University and Ganja, including in the universities. Since today, lectures delivered at the Center will be available to doctoral students of Nakhchivan Department as well. However, computer science will be taught in accordance with international standards as part of the common infrastructure of ANAS”, R. Alguliyev said.
The scientist stressed out the importance of the Nakhchivan Distance Educational Center for this region and for other regions, and stated that this Center would be a bridge among leading research institutions around the world, and create opportunities for distance education of post-graduates, online seminars and conferences, gathering distinguished guests who came to Baku and Nobel Prize laureates, as well as strengthening domestic and international cooperation between scientists. This virtual bridge will set up a single integrated scientific and educational environment.
Academician spoke about a wide range of opportunities of AzScienceNet, which provides institute and organizations of the academy via advanced network services. Being national coordinator on national research and education networks, AzScienceNet successfully represents Azerbaijan in the European Commission. In 2016, is planned to have access of 1 Gbit / sec speed of AzScienceNet to the GEANT network, providing network service for European scientific and educational institutions, and it will pave the way to integrate European scientific and educational environment. These opportunities will be able to benefit from research institutions and universities in the regions.
Later on, Academician congratulated Nakhchivan scientific community, including department employees on the functioning of Nakhchivan Distance Educational Center of ANAS and wished them future successes.
Chairman of ANAS Nakhchivan Department Academician Ismayil Hajiyev appraised commendable the establishment of Center in terms of setting up international cooperation ties via leading research ventures of the world. On behalf of Department employees he thanked to ANAS directory and members of the Presidium for their support in opening of the Center.
Videoconference was continued with delivering of lectures by specialists of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS.
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