Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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08.04.2016 08:52
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Discussed the prevention ways for plagiarism in the texts of works

Discussed the prevention ways for plagiarism in the texts of works

On April 7, Agency of Copyrights and AR Ministry of Education co-organized a round table on “Prevention ways of plagiarism in the texts of scientific, educational and literary works”.

In advance, military officers and civilians, who were cherished as a result of Armenian provocations on the frontline recently, were commemorated for a minute of silence.

Chairman of the Agency of Copyrights Kamran Imanov spoke on the essence of event which dedicated to plagiarism and its prevention ways. It should be strengthened tussling against plagiarism due to coordinate vision to the future with a creative and innovative society.

Education Minister Mikayil Jabbarov said that the economic development of any country and prosperous life for its citizens in modern era, primarily due to the development of science and education. At this point, scientists, working in the field of education, training and education, set forth new challenges clearly. These challenges were reflected in "National Strategy for the Development of Education in the Republic of Azerbaijan". Among the measures provided in this document is of particular importance the prevention of plagiarism in education. The lack of plagiarism in education system is the main purpose and duty of each of us. In the XXI century, at a time when science and education are developed, plagiarism is absolutely unacceptable. It is not appropriate both legal and moral standpoint. Especially in the field of education, it should not be allowed, he added.

Jabbarov said that based on international experience, many measures are carried out to prevent plagiarism. The active participation of each of us in this struggle is essential. Senior officials, creative people, scientists must work together in this field.

In the event, K. Imanov delivered a lecture “Prevention ways of plagiarism in the texts of scientific, educational and literary works”.

Plagiarism could be come across in students' course works, scientific monographs, articles and books. Innovation and creative outputs are derived from existing knowledge and results in new studies. These are guided by people’s inexhaustible creative resources and development of these qualities is key goal of science and education systems. Non-material ideas, scientific, literary and artistic works are stated objective and protected by intellectual property rights, was noted.

It was stressed out that plagiarism was always focused on especially word masters said interesting ideas about plagiarism, have taken practical steps.

Chairman of the Agency of Copyrights noted that, digit anti plagiarism systems should not directed to only the level of independence of texts by authors, but also should seek for response whether copyrights has violated or not. Currently, most of modern systems poorly work with assimilating of ideas contained inside images of artifact even remains humble in front of it. Indeed, development of the Internet-services and anti plagiarism programs will overcome the arising difficulties.

Then the causes of plagiarism, the measures to combat it, to experience the world in this field and expressed their opinions regarding relevant legislation, exchanged views on ways out of the current situation.

Then the causes of plagiarism, the measures to combat it, to experience the world in this field and expressed their opinions regarding relevant legislation, exchanged views on ways out of the current situation.

Then the consequences of plagiarism, prevention measures, world experience in this field and opinions expressed regarding relevant legislation, exchanged views on ways out of the current situation.

Deputy Chairman of Supreme Attestation Commission under President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Veli Huseynov stated that, prevention of plagiarism is one of the main issues, which is important to focus on. Especially dissertation councils should tussle with plagiarism seriously. The most common forms of plagiarism are copy and translation. But there are other ways. It is very important to prevent plagiarism in scientific works. Supreme Attestation Commission carries out important activities in this area and will expand its activities further in this direction.

Deputy Minister of AR Ministry of Communication and High Technologies Elmir Velizadeh, Academician-Secretary of ANAS Academician Rasim Alguliyev, regional director of “” Co. Ali Tahmazov and others highlighted the essence of the event and the significance of prevention ways in the texts of scientific, educational and literary texts.

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