Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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12.04.2016 13:11
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Underground waves of negative pressure are jointly studied the Hungarian scientists

Underground waves of negative pressure are jointly studied the Hungarian scientists

Azerbaijan and Hungarian scientists are trying to learn the role of underground waves of negative pressure in extreme geophysical processes, including earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other natural phenomena. Such waves can be seen as the cause of sudden wakes occurring over millions of years of geological processes.

Works carried out by employees of Institute of Geology and Geophysics (IGG), Baku Higher Oil School and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Energy Research Center (SRC) are implemented within program "Development of detecting, recording and monitoring methods of negative pressure waves in the geological environment and the technical systems".

A two-year program is being implemented with financial support of the Science Development Foundation under the President of Azerbaijan Republic.

Academician-Secretary of the Department of Earth Sciences of ANAS, IGG Geodynamics and Seismology department's chief Fakhraddin Gadirov said that the negative pressure waves is one of the less studied. Tectonic dislocations, fractures, fluid dynamics and movement of rocks, as a result of geodynamic processes of different types, can be the factors that lead to its emerge.

Though quite a distant from the point of its occurrence, negative pressure wave can cause “excitation” in the underground environment. It is a short-term, but is caused by significantly heating of liquid system in depth, formation of steam and gas output. It is known to science that severe complications such as oil-gas output in the form of an outdoor fountain, collapse of wells, pipe torsion, and griffin formation are mainly the result of the negative pressure waves.

Institute of Geology and Geophysics hosted meeting with the Hungary SRC leading researcher, Professor Emre Atila Caroli. At the meeting were discussed the opportunities and challenges of research program.

At first, foreign guest informed the colleagues about scientific structure presented by him.

Reminded about meeting of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev with the Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban in private, which has taken place in March of this year, the guest has expressed confidence that this meeting will make positive impact on cooperation between scientists of two countries.

Then he spoke on "The liquid beneath the waves of negative pressure in the geological environment." The scientist spoke about the studies in this direction carried out by him and their successful results.

At the meeting it was noted that, the conclusion of research is planned to prepare new approaches for the management of the geological environment.

Currently, one of the problems faced the scientists is to develop energy-saving technologies on the basis of the negative pressure effect, a comprehensive assessment of the role of waves in geophysical processes, and others.

Studies will be carried out via physical and mathematical modeling, laboratory studies, and measuring work in the area.

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