Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


12.04.2016 16:07
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Department of Social Sciences discussed a number of vital issues

Department of Social Sciences discussed a number of vital issues

Next bureau assembly of the Department of Social Sciences (DSS) was held on April 12.

Assembly with participation of bureau members was opened by Acting Academician-Secretary of the Department corresponding member of ANAS Nargiz Akhundova, who informed on the issues of agenda.

Then, director of the Institute of History corresponding member of ANAS Yagub Mahmudov delivered a lecture on “Reforms in ANAS and actual problems of Azerbaijan history”, which conducted latest fulfillments at the Institute in recent years, and reforms carried out in a systematic form.

Activities of the Institute of History had been always focused on by state management, thus vital studies carried out here directly were implemented based on challenges and instructions of the President, chain of research works were written on history of Karabakh, Nakhchivan and Irevan within short term, said Y.Mahmudov.

One of the vital directions of scientific studies carried out at the institute was genocides committed against our nation by Armenians. With the goal to study genocide perpetrated by Armenians against Azerbaijanis based on initial sources and to deliver it to the world community, the institute has revealed truth facts of mass massacre against Azerbaijanis in 1918 by criminalist group “26 Baku commissars”, was noted.

“Importing inaccessible sources, especially documents related in Azerbaijan history, storing at the archives of the foreign countries, their involve and publication are also one of the serious studies implemented by the institute,” – said Y.Mahmudov and highlighted that, within a project “Azerbaijan history in historical sources”, a group of historian-specialists were sent to Russia, Georgia, Turkey, England, Germany, France and India due to import these materials to the country.

Investigation of ancient lands of Azerbaijan was the research object of the institute as well. Deep studies about history of Nakhchivan, Irevan, Goyche, Zangazur regions, county Borchali, emirates Tiflis, mirates, Car-Balakan community, Ilisu sultanate, Derbent and Samur valley, finally Karabakh, were commenced. “Investigation of lost lands” problem was entered the scientific turnover in modern Azerbaijan history study, were published several monumental works, embracing historical facts, stated Y.Mahmudov.

Academicians Naila Valikhanli, Teymur Bunyadov, corresponding members Shahbaz Muradov, Ilyas Babayev, Prof. Nazim Imanov and others reported at the assembly, proposed recommendations.

Later on, scientific secretary of the Institute of Economy PhD in Economy Rasmiyya Abdullayeva made a presentation on “PhD in Economy Jalil Guliyev’s scientific activity”.

At the event PhD in Economy Jalil Guliyev was awarded the Certificate of Merit of the Department on the occasion of 80th anniversary and merits in development of Azerbaijan Economy science.

Assembly scheduled the issues such as conforming the admission plan of doctorate and dissertates for doctoral and PhD training at DSS in 2016, making changes to the structure of the Institute of History, celebrating Academician Abdulkarim Alizadeh’s 110th, and corresponding member Ogtay Afandiyev’s 90th anniversaries.

Finally, staff problems were issued.

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