Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


15.04.2016 18:02
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ANAS held a meeting with the students of Azerbaijan University of Languages

ANAS held a meeting with the students of Azerbaijan University of Languages

ANAS "Scientist’s House" held meeting with the students of Azerbaijan University of Languages on April 15.

The event was attended by Director of " Scientist’s House", PhD in History Nurida Guliyeva, Director of the Institute of Mathematics-Mechanics of ANAS, Professor Misir Mardanov, Deputy Director of the Institute, corresponding member of ANAS Vagif Guliyev, Head of Shamakhi-Agsu archaeological expedition of ANAS Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, PhD in history Akif Guliyev and other scientists, as well as teaching staff and students of the Azerbaijan University of Languages.

The event started with visit the exhibition of scientific achievements of ANAS, which aroused great interest at all.

Then the meeting was continued by scientific reports of scientists on various topics.

Professor Misir Mardanov spoke about the the history of teaching of foreign languages in Azerbaijan, creation and development of the University of Foreign Languages: "Given the high demand for foreign language professionals, the People's Commissariat of Education of Azerbaijan appealed to the government of the republic and asked to create in Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages Faculty. According to this appeal, in 1937 the Council of People's Commissars of Azerbaijan SSR adopted a decree on the organization of the Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages Faculty. First graduation of the Faculty was held in 1941". Talking about the teaching of foreign languages in schools, organizing courses and foreign language clubs, the scientist noted that, currently the institution is working on the preparation of highly skilled personnel in this field.

Then, PhD in history Akif Guliyev spoke on "New archaeological research which carried out in Azerbaijan". The scientist noted that, in recent years, thanks to a comprehensive study of the state care about ancient history and monuments of material culture of Azerbaijan, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography carried out extensive field research. As a result of archaeological research previously unknown to science were discovered monuments and collected valuable ethnographic data: "One of the areas of the scientific activity of our institute is to expand the archaeological research works in the Mil-Karabakh region. Only in 2015 as an international (Azerbaijan-Germany) and the independent expedition of the Institute in this area were discovered previously unknown to science habitats and ancient tombs, dating from the Neolithic, Chalcolithic and Bronze Age, as a result of chores was averted the threat of destruction of these monuments. At the same time, large-scale excavations were conducted in Nakhchivan, Shamakhi, Gobustan, Ganja-Gazakh, Sheki-Zagatala, Guba-Khachmaz, Lankaran-Astara zones and were discovered new archaeological monuments". Noted that, along with domestic archaeologists in research participated experts, invited from various countries of Europe, archaeologist added that the joint field work allowed disseminating information about the ancient monuments and the rich history of Azerbaijan all over the world.

Finally, meeting was given extensive information on these topics to students. Memorial photo was shot.

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