Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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16.04.2016 13:24
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"The role of Hungarian scientists in the development of Azerbaijani-Hungarian literary ties and Turkology" international conference held

"The role of Hungarian scientists in the development of Azerbaijani-Hungarian literary ties and Turkology" international conference held

ANAS Institute of Literature named after Nizami hosted "The role of Hungarian scientists in the development of Azerbaijani-Hungarian literary ties and Turkology" scientific conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the First Turkological Congress on April 16.

First, participants of the event were familiarized with the exhibition "Famous Hungarians exploring the orient”.

Director of the Institute of Literature, ANAS Vice-President Academician Isa Habibbeyli noted the importance of Order of President Ilham Aliyev on "Holding the 90th anniversary of the First Turkological Congress" from February 18, 2016.

He noted that, this year will be marked the 90th anniversary of the First Turkological Congress at the state level in Baku, which plays a crucial role in the cultural life of the Turkic peoples, in particular, the Azerbaijani people.

Vice-president of ANAS noted that, in accordance with the performance of tasks arising from the order, today with the participation of scientists from both countries in Azerbaijan started the first Turkologists conference. The event will delivered reports on the Azerbaijani-Hungarian literature, linguistics, history, ethnography and folklore.

Events will make an essential contribution to development and formation of turkology and the turkological ties, and also in their results and prospects in Hungary and Europe.

Academician I.Habibbeyli also spoke about the history of the Azerbaijani-Hungarian public, political, literary, and cultural ties, stated on the friendly relations between the two countries. He emphasized the role of Hungarian scientists in the development of Turkic Studies.

Speaking at the conference, the Hungarian Ambassador to Azerbaijan Imre Laslotski expressed gratitude to the organizers of the event. The Ambassador stressed the importance of a scientific conference in terms of strengthening further scientific relations between the Azerbaijani and Hungarian peoples.

At the event reported Deputy Director of Science of the Institute of Literature, Professor Mammad Aliyev on "The role of Hungarian scientists in the study of folklore of Turkic peoples", head of the chair of medieval studies ot the Szeged University in Hungary, Professor Stephen Simon on "Turkological works in Hungary", lecturer of Hungarian language at Azerbaijan University of Languages, PhD in ethnography and cultural anthropology Edina Dallosh on "Folklore and Linguistics:Volga-Turkic researchers of Hungary" and "Look at the history of the Azerbaijani-Hungarian Literary ties" PhD student of the Institute of Literature Rena Jahangirli.

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