Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


22.04.2016 16:50
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“Azerbaijan Safavid king – Shah Abbas I” scientific-practical conference held

“Azerbaijan Safavid king – Shah Abbas I” scientific-practical conference held

On April 22, secondary school N 201 at Nizami district of Baku city, hosted the scientific-practical conference “Azerbaijan Safavid king – Shah Abbas I” within the framework of project “Let’s posses our historical figures”.

In advance, event attendees were familiar with the exhibition composed of historical exhibits, photo-stands, including books and drawings reflecting Safavid era and historical figures at the foyer of the school.

Event organized by Institute of History on behalf of A.A.Bakikhanov, was opened by director of the school Susen Salmanova. She drew attention to the significance of the event in terms of behaving and growing the young people in heroic spirit.

Then, students performed poems of heroic nature devoted to Azerbaijan. Their stages about kings, ruling Safavid state in the XVI century and palace life aroused interest on attendees.

Afterwards, director of the Institute corresponding member of ANAS Yagub Mahmudov spoke about Safavids, which had major role in national statehood history. He stated that, this dynasty could achieve to unite territories of Azerbaijan under a single flag.

According to scientist, during the reign of the Safavids public administration has rose in Azerbaijan. Azerbaijani language became official language. As a result of successful reforms, internal and external policies carried out by the Shah Ismayil, Shah Tahmasib, Shah Abbas the Safavids had shifted one of the greatest empires of the Near and Middle East. He made speech to the students on resolute struggle of Shah Abbas I due to retrieve the Ottoman-occupied Azerbaijani territories.

Chairman of organizing committee of the project Araz Shamil, historian-scientist Tofig Najafli and others stressed out the place and role of Safavids in the history of Azerbaijan and noted the necessary to hold such kind of events in terms of enhancing outlooks of students about historical past.

Note that, “Let’s posses our historical figures” project has been started since April 2015. Under project chain of events regarding our historical figures were carried out in several secondary schools of Azerbaijan.

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