Group of employees of the scientific institution, which was in business trip in Shamakhi under the leadership of director of ANAS Institute of Geography, Academician Ramiz Mammadov has restored activity of Pirguli stationer meteorological station, which functioned earlier.
Monitoring will be carried out over temperature, relative and absolute humidity of air disseminated and reflected by solar radiation, and also radiation balance of a terrestrial surface.
Besides, will be measured the
, maximum and minimum temperature of a soil surface, temperature of different depths of the soil, including speed and the direction of wind. In accordance with the instructions, every three hours, a total of eight times a day will be conducted meteorological observations.
The meteorological station is located at the height about 1,400 meters above sea level.
In the future is planned to install an automated weather station.
Implementation here of meteorological supervision will be of great help in studying of a microclimate of the forest landscape located in the mountain territory, supervision over the climatic changes happening on the territory, registration of possible changes in a landscape, and also studying of biodistinctions.
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