Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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26.04.2016 15:28
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Event devoted to Russian poet Nikolai Gumilyov’s 130th anniversary

Event devoted to Russian poet Nikolai Gumilyov’s 130th anniversary

Next, senior researcher of the Institute of Literature of ANAS named after Nizami Professor Rahid Khalilov reported on the life and work N.Gumilyov. He noted that, N.Gumilyov entered the history of world literature as the founder of the school acmeism (literary trend, and the opposing symbolism emerged in the early XX century in Russia), poet, novelist, translator and literary critic. He published "The Way Conquistadors" the first collection of poems in St. Petersburg, 1905.

Spent about 3 years in Paris, where he published the "Sirius" journal and published a collection of poems "Romantic Flowers" (1908). After returning to Russia N.Gumilyov entered the St. Petersburg University, actively collaborated in the newspapers and magazines periodicals and founded the "Academy of the poems" for young poets. For 1911-1912 was the period of organizational unity and creative flowering acmeism. N.Gumilyov published his most "Acmeist" a collection of poems at this time - "Strange Sky" (1912).

In 1916 was published a new collection of poems "Quiver". In the last three years of his life he was actively engaged in the creative, organizational and teaching work, has published collection of poems "Fire", "Porcelain Pavilion", "Marquee", "Pillar of Fire".

August 3, 1921 N.Gumilyov was arrested on charges of involvement in the counter-revolutionary conspiracy, and on August 25 of the same year was shot.

The speaker informed about son of N.Gumilyov - Lev Gumilyov, who is known as the ethnologist, sociologist and historian of the Turkic world.

He noted that, was erected a monument to L. Gumilyov for merits before Turkic world in Kazan by the initiative of President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, was opened the Eurasian National University named after Lev Gumilyov in Astana in 1996 and was created museum after Lev Gumilyov at the University in 2002.

In conclusion, were respondent numerous questions of the participants.

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