April 29, at the General Meeting of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences was heard report of the President of ANAS, Academician Akif Alizadeh, on the implementation of the "National Strategy on Science Development in the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2009-2015”.
Academician Akif Alizadeh spoke about the future for the national science and a number of important trends in research activities, which are reflected in the National Strategy for the Advancement of Science. Having said that, in the strategy have been delivered such important tasks as the classification system of scientific research institutions in the country and assessment of scientific and organizational activities, academician noted that over the past period have been carried out relevant activities. Academician added that in ANAS, which is the main scientific body of the republic, has been carried out appropriate structural changes for the conduct of research and analytical work, as a result of the effective organization of relevant events at the level of modern standards of evaluation of scientific activities, common criteria and guidelines have been developed. "The collected data on research institutions have been analyzed on the basis of scientometric studies and in the framework of the initial assessment of a specific program of scientific activities in the years 2009-2013 was carried out.” Noting that the positive trends observed in domestic science, are confirmed by specific figures in the authoritative international information databases, the scientist said that in recent years the position of Azerbaijani science in the league table, prepared by world reputable scientific base SCOPUS, have increased significantly.
Academician Akif Alizadeh added that the strategy as a basis for two important criteria were taken - the trend of development of world science and socio-economic, cultural and moral development of the country, according to which the identified objectives of national science.
ANAS President noted that in order to develop new priority scientific sectors at the Academy, were created new academic institutions, and in the existing institutions - new laboratories and offices. He added that the purpose of the organization in recent years in the laboratories of ANAS together with reputable research centers and universities around the world is also to ensure compliance with the requirements of the scientific priorities of the modern world of science. In addition, to that end, multidisciplinary studies are conducted.
Stressing that the second main criterion in determining priorities is to ensure the internal socio-cultural development of the country, Academician Akif Alizadeh noted that this fact poses scientists’ tasks such as the definition and implementation of studies aimed at the creation of a new economic model of the country, especially the development of non-oil sector ensuring the active participation of science in the development of the industry.
Academician noted that the Strategy was also put such important tasks as ensuring the active participation of scientists to ensure the country's food security and agricultural development, the assimilation of international scientific expertise to the development of the space industry, the expansion of research in the field of military industry and etc.
Director of ANAS spoke on the implementation of innovation policy: the development of infrastructure, expansion of network of technoparks, technology centers, business incubators, the vital successes of Experimental-Industrial Plant of ANAS in creation of high-tech products, events held in conjunction with the Military Academy of the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Defense Industry with the aim of strengthening the defense power of the country, a number of projects for the production of military products.
Then the President of ANAS spoke about projects in the agricultural sector, implemented by Science and Technology Park of ANAS at strongholds, which are located in different regions of the country.
Noting that "one of the main objectives of the National Strategy announced the development of science and education as a single social institution," the academician said that one of the important activities in this area is to create a master's degree in ANAS. Also part of the activities in this area, he called the modernization of doctoral studies of ANAS and ongoing research, the creation of institutes of the Academy based departments of several leading higher educational institutions of the country, establishment of cooperation with the purpose of joint training exercises, conducting republican Olympiads in various subjects.
Next, Academician Akif Alizadeh spoke about the activities undertaken for the implementation of legal reforms in the field of strategy. He stressed the significance of the most important from this point of view, the document - the Law of Azerbaijan Republic "On Science", listed the important activities carried out in the country in the field of intellectual property protection, copyright, identification and legal protection of intellectual property in the information society.
Speaking about the development of international scientific relations, academician noted that Russian physicists have participated in joint projects, which were implemented with the participation of foreign scientists at the European Center for Nuclear Research, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna), geologists and geophysicists - the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, biologists and botanists - in research centers in Switzerland, at the same time at the Academy in cooperation with reputable research centers in the USA, Germany and Italy international laboratories were created.
The scientist added that the country had made significant strides in the area of formation of e-science. He noted that the infrastructure network of AzScienceNet, is a platform e-science, has been reconstructed on the basis of broadband Internet technology, modernized its technology base and, thus, its functionality has increased significantly. Put into operation Data Center, which has great potential for solving scientific problems that need supercomputing technologies and BigData. The initiative of the European Union's "Eastern Partnership" measures have been taken in the field of integration of scientific and educational institutions of Azerbaijan in the European scientific and educational space.
ANAS head also noted that in accordance with the Strategy for the period were carried out important activities in the field of popularization of science and the establishment of public relations. He stressed that the periodicals have been established to keep the public informed about the ongoing processes in the field of science. Measures have been implemented in order to bring information about the diverse activities of ANAS to the country and the world community, as well as the establishment of the Academy staff relationships with the international scientific and information space.
In addition, thanks to the financial support of the Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan established with the aim of research funding on a competitive basis, and the Foundation for Science SOCAR established in order to promote research in the field of oil, gas and petrochemical industry, successfully carried out research projects in various fields.
One of the important tasks, as reflected in the strategy is to strengthen the material-technical base of science.
Academician noted that, for the past time a sufficient number of construction and repair, reconstruction works was carried out in scientific institutions, were put into operation a new building of "Azerbaijan National Encyclopedia" Scientific Centre and the Central Scientific Library.
Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography, Linguistics, as well as museums operating under ANAS, were carried out repair and restoration, restoration work, academic institutions have been equipped with modern facilities.
Head of ANAS emphasized the need for the adoption of the National Strategy for development of science at the next stage.
In conclusion of his speech Academician Akif Alizadeh expressed his confidence that, Azerbaijani scientists will do their best to meet these strategic objectives in the field of socio-economic, cultural and moral development of the country will show the same solidarity as in implementation of the National Strategy for the implementation of tasks.
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